Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Super Fuzzy' is an attractive succulent with upright stems and green, ovoid leaves densely covered with long …
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Epithet: tomentosa
Meaning: Having a mass of rough hairs.
Derivation: Femenine form of the latin adjective "tomentosus."
Pronunciation: toh-men-TOH-suh
While the generic name must be unique, two or more genera often share the same specific epithet. Moreover, the same epithet can be used for subspecies, varieties, and forms within a species. Here is a list of plants that share this epithet.
Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Golden Girl' is a shrubby succulent with upright, basally woody stems and ovoid, golden fuzzy leaves tipped in black …
Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Teddy Bear' is a shrubby succulent with erect, hairy stems and thick, rounded leaves densely covered in fuzzy felt …
Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Cinnamon' is a shrubby succulent with erect, basally woody stems and long, oval-shaped, rich russet leaves densely …
Anacampseros filamentosa subsp. tomentosa, also known as Anacampseros tomentosa,is a small succulent that forms clusters of fleshy stems …
Opuntia tomentosa (Velvet Tree Pear) is a tree-like cactus with a woody main stem and fleshy, dull green, much-branched stems consisting …
Crassula tomentosa var. glabrifolia is a small succulent that forms a dense clump of compact rosettes of grayish-green, densely hairy …
Crassula tomentosa (Woolly Crassula) is a perennial or biennial succulent that slowly forms a cluster of compact rosettes of grayish-green …
Caputia tomentosa (Cocoon Plant), formerly known as Senecio haworthii, is a compact succulent shrublet with woody stems and thick fleshy …
Cotyledon tomentosa 'Variegata' (Bear's Paw) is an attractive succulent shrublet with densely branched stems that bear hairy bright green…