Kalanchoe synsepala 'Dissecta' is a stoloniferous succulent with woody stems that bear fleshy, pinnatifid leaves. The stems are erect or …
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Epithet: synsepala
Meaning: Grouped sepals
Derivation: Compound epithet made up of the prefix "sym-," meaning "with, together," and the plural form of the Latin noun "sepalum," meaning "sepal."
Pronunciation: sin-SEP-al-uh
While the generic name must be unique, two or more genera often share the same specific epithet. Moreover, the same epithet can be used for subspecies, varieties, and forms within a species. Here is a list of plants that share this epithet.
Kalanchoe synsepala (Walking Kalanchoe) is an attractive succulent with fleshy, grey-green leaves with pink-purple margins. It is very …