Hoya multiflora (Shooting Star Hoya) is a beautiful plant with erect or decumbent stems bearing bright green leaves with obscure veins …
Browsing: Wax Plant
Hoya pubicalyx is a vigorous vine with long wiry stems and green leaves with dull gray markings on the upper surface. The leaves are thick…
Hoya pachyclada 'Red Corona' (Wax Plant) is a slow-growing plant with short, densely clothed stems with thick green leaves. The leaves …
Hoya merrillii is a lovely plant with glossy dark green to red leaves with a pretty pattern of veins. The leaves are elliptical and can …
Hoya pachyclada (Wax Plant) is a beautiful plant with usually short, densely clothed stems with very thick, fleshy green leaves with red …
Hoya kerrii 'Variegata' (Sweetheart Hoya) is a slow-growing, semi-succulent plant with vining stems and bright green, heart-shaped leaves …
Hoya carnosa (Wax Plant) is a common houseplant with slender, smooth, pale gray stems that twine and climb bearing glossy, dark green …
Hoya kerrii (Sweetheart Hoya) is a climbing plant with slender stout stems and succulent heart-shaped leaves. The stems grow up to 13 …