Ariocarpus retusus var. furfuraceus (Seven Stars), also known as Ariocarpus furfuraceus, is a slow-growing geophytic cactus with a …
Browsing: Ariocarpus
Ariocarpus is a genus of 8 species of succulent, subtropical plants of the Cactaceae family. The name comes from the ancient Greek "aria" (an oak type) and "carpos" (fruit) because of the resemblance of the fruit of the two genus in acorn form. Another possibility for the origin of the name is the work Scheidweiler did on the tree Sorbus aria at the time he described the genus Ariocarpus. He might have meant the fruits of Ariocarpus plants look like the fruits of the Sorbus aria. Ariocarpus are endangered and quite rare in the wild.
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Ariocarpus scaphirostris (Living Rock Cactus) is a slow-growing geophytic cactus with a dark green to brown, subglobose stem with large …
Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus (Star Rock) is a small geophytic cactus with a flat-topped, dark olive green stem covered with deltoid …
Ariocarpus fissuratus 'Godzilla' is an odd, slow-growing cactus that forms a star-shaped rosette of large, deltoid tubercles with a downy …
Ariocarpus trigonus (Star Rock), also known as Ariocarpus retusus subsp. trigonus is a slow-growing geophytic cactus with a solitary …
Ariocarpus agavoides (Tamaulipas Living Rock Cactus) is a small cactus with a greenish-brown rosette-shaped stem with divergent, often…
Ariocarpus retusus (Star Rock) is an unusual, slow-growing cactus with a solitary, flattened globose stem covered with long pyramidal …
Ariocarpus fissuratus (False Peyote) is a geophyte cactus that forms a star-shaped rosette of thick, fleshy, deltoid to hemispheric …