Rebutia arenacea, also known as Sulcorebutia arenacea or Weingartia arenacea, is a small cactus with a spherical, usually solitary stem …
Browsing: Zone 9b
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 9b. They can tolerate cold down from 25 to 30 °F (-3.9 to -1.1 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Trichodiadema rogersiae is a succulent shrublet with small, narrow leaves arranged in opposite, spaced pairs along upright branches. It …
Aylostera 'Pink Champagne', formerly known as Rebutia 'Pink Champagne', is a beautiful small cactus with spherical to short cylindrical …
Pachyphytum 'Chiseled Stone' is an attractive small succulent with upright stems that bear green, strongly facetted leaves. The stems can …
Gibbaeum pilosulum is a dwarf succulent that forms a dense clump of paired fleshy leaves fused into egg-shaped bodies. The leaves are …
Cephalophyllum caespitosum, also known as Cheiridopsis cuprea, is a small succulent that forms a dense clump of short branches with dark …
Gibbaeum pubescens is a dwarf succulent that forms compact clumps of short, densely arranged branches with pairs of unequal leaves covered …
Opuntia aciculata (Chenille Pricklypear), also known as Opuntia engelmannii subsp. aciculata, is a somewhat upright or spreading shrub …
Orthopterum coeganum is a small succulent with short stems that bear rosettes of thick, fleshy, nearly upright leaves. It can grow up to …
Trichodiadema setuliferum (Hairy Nipple Vygie) is a succulent shrublet with small, narrow leaves arranged along its erect to decumbent …