Cylindropuntia whipplei is a branched cactus with green or sometimes purplish-green, firmly attached stem segments with distinct …
Browsing: Zone 8a
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 8a. They can tolerate cold down from 10 to 15 °F (-12.2 to -9.4 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Sempervivum 'Appletini', also known as Sempervivum 'Reinhardt', is a small succulent that forms rosettes of apple green leaves with dark …
Opuntia basilaris (Beavertail Cactus) is a shrubby cactus with sprawling to ascending or erect stems that consist of flattened, nearly …
Hylotelephium verticillatum, formerly known as Sedum verticillatum, is a succulent plant with simple, erect stems and usually glaucous …
Sempervivum pittonii (Pittoni Houseleek) is a small succulent that forms subglobose rosettes of green, densely hairy, tightly packed …
Hylotelephium pallescens, formerly known as Sedum pallescens, is a succulent plant with a short, woody rootstock and erect or ascending …
Sempervivum dolomiticum (Dolomite Houseleek) is a low-growing succulent that forms densely tufted, subglobose, mostly closed rosettes …
Agave cerulata is a succulent plant that forms rosettes of lance-shaped leaves with sharp, irregularly spaced marginal teeth and a needle…
Hylotelephium 'Jade Tuffet', formerly known as Sedum 'Jade Tuffet', is a compact, mound-forming succulent with thin, shiny green leaves …
Sempervivum caucasicum is a low-growing succulent that forms small rosettes of green, spathulate leaves edged with short cilia and ending …