Crassula lanuginosa var. pachystemon is a small succulent with prostrate to decumbent branches with hairy leaves and internodes usually …
Browsing: Zone 11b
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 11b. They can tolerate cold down from 45 to 50 °F (7.2 to 10 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Haworthia truncata var. maughanii (Maughan's Haworthia) is a small succulent with thick fleshy truncated leaves spirally arranged in a …
Echeveria 'Ballerina' is a showy succulent that forms large rosettes of ruffled, highly reddened leaves. The rosettes can grow up to 18 …
Tylecodon striatus (Groovy Butterbush) is a small succulent shrub with usually few erect or spreading branches arising from an irregular …
Haworthiopsis 'Onigawara', formerly known as Haworthia 'Onigawara', is a slowly proliferous succulent that forms small rosettes of stiff …
Tulista pumila 'Variegata' (Pearl Plant), formerly known as Haworthia pumila 'Variegata', is a small, slowly proliferous succulent that …
Cochemiea mazatlanensis, formerly known as Mammillaria mazatlanensis, is a small cactus that forms clumps of greyish-green, cylindrical …
Conophytum ectypum is a dwarf succulent that forms a cluster of bodies consisting of two fleshy leaves, almost entirely fused and usually …
Lithops 'Talisman' is a dwarf succulent with a body that consists of two plump and juicy leaves with a deep fissure separating them …
Euphorbia caerulescens (Blue Euphorbia), also known as Euphorbia coerulescens, is a succulent shrub with numerous erect stems with edges …