Rhipsalis teres (Quill-like Wickerware Cactus) is an epiphytic cactus with slender cylindrical stems that may be erect, spreading, or …
Browsing: Zone 11b
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 11b. They can tolerate cold down from 45 to 50 °F (7.2 to 10 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Sinocrassula yunnanensis 'Cristata' is a weird succulent with fan-like growths. Sometimes, the mutation is found in all parts of the …
Echinopsis mirabilis (Flower of Prayer) is a small cactus with a cylindrical, dark brown, usually solitary stem with black and grey …
Mammillaria spinosissima 'Un Pico' is an attractive cactus with only one spine per areole. The stem is columnar, usually solitary but …
Euphorbia polygona var. anoplia (Tanzanian Zipper Plant), also known as Euphorbia anoplia, is a small, clumping succulent that resembles …
Aloinopsis setifera is a small succulent that forms a dense mat of rosettes of bluish-green to dark purple, finely warty leaves with …
Aloe brevifolia 'Variegata' is an attractive small succulent that forms rosettes of gray-green leaves with irregular creamy white or …
Pygmaeocereus bieblii is a small geophytic cactus with green stems with 10 to 25 tuberculate ribs lined with clusters of short, whitish …
Echeveria 'Monroe' is a beautiful small succulent that forms tight rosettes of bluish-green leaves with a hint of orange, pink, or red …
Sansevieria canaliculata (Snake Plant) is a stemless succulent with cylindrical leaves that grow from underground rhizomes. The leaves …