×Graptoveria 'Margarete Reppin' is a vigorous succulent that forms rosettes of many densely packed leaves tipped with a slender point …
Browsing: Zone 10a
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 10a. They can tolerate cold down from 30 to 35 °F (-1.1 to 1.7 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Sedum clavatum 'Cristatum' is a small, slow-growing succulent with fleshy, pale green to blue-green leaves densely packed along flattened …
Opuntia basilaris (Beavertail Cactus) is a shrubby cactus with sprawling to ascending or erect stems that consist of flattened, nearly …
Crassula compacta is a dwarf succulent that forms one or two, rarely several rosettes of fleshy, green to reddish brown leaves with darker …
×Graptosedum 'Ghosty' is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of thick, fleshy leaves at the end of decumbent or pendent, basally …
Echeveria 'Briar Rose Cristata' is an interesting succulent with fleshy leaves densely packed along the top of the crested stem …
Aeonium 'Medusa' is a stunning succulent that forms offsetting rosettes of variegated, spoon-shaped leaves with soft, pointed tips and …
Graptopetalum 'Murasaki' is a gorgeous shrubby succulent that forms short-stemmed rosettes of fleshy pastel purplish-pink leaves with a…
Agave chiapensis is a succulent plant that forms rosettes of bright green to glaucous green leaves with dark brown to greyish, deltoid …
Haworthia retusa var. nigra, formerly known as Haworthia mutica var. nigra, is a small succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, light …