Rebutia rauschii 'Apple Green', also known as Sulcorebutia rauschii 'Apple Green', is a beautiful small cactus that forms a dense clump of …
Browsing: Zone 10a
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 10a. They can tolerate cold down from 30 to 35 °F (-1.1 to 1.7 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Pachyphytum longifolium is a few-branched succulent that forms rosettes of 20 to 60 leaves distinctly distant in the branches' uppermost …
Aeonium 'Poseidon' is a beautiful succulent with variegated, spoon-shaped leaves arranged in rosettes at the end of sturdy, bare stems …
Echeveria 'New Heights' is a small succulent that forms compact, usually solitary rosettes of spoon-shaped, bluish-green leaves with …
Matucana celendinensis, also known as Matucana intertexta var. celendinensis, is a small cactus with green, spherical to cylindrical …
Aeonium 'Ballerina Reversion', usually sold as Aeonium 'Goblin', is a small, shrubby succulent that forms rosettes of green, spoon-shaped …
Echeveria 'Paloma' is a small succulent that forms a compact, usually solitary rosette of fleshy, pointed, olive-green leaves covered a …
Aeonium 'Ink Painting', also known as Aeonium 'Ecstasy', is a magnificent succulent that forms rosettes with a stunning array of colors …
Matucana intertexta is a small cactus with a green, solitary, spherical to broadly cylindrical stem with 15 to 25 blunt ribs divided into …
Echeveria 'Ariel', also known as Echeveria 'Ling Snow', is a slow-growing succulent that forms compact rosettes of fleshy, pointed leaves …