Aeonium 'Black King Kong' is a spectacular succulent that forms rosettes of variegated leaves at the ends of short branches. It can reach …
Browsing: variegated
Haworthia truncata 'Lime Green Variegata' is a charming small succulent with variegated leaves arranged in two opposite rows. The leaves …
×Graptoveria 'Mrs Richards Variegata', also sold as ×Graptoveria 'Gypsy Variegata', is an attractive succulent that forms short-stemmed …
Aeonium 'Fireworks', also known as Aeonium 'Watermelon Taro', is a compact succulent shrublet that forms striking rosettes of variegated …
Aeonium 'Floresens' is a stunning succulent shrublet with rosettes of variegated leaves at the end of its ascending or pendent branches …
Aeonium arboreum 'Albovariegatum', also sold as Aeonium 'Albovariegatum', is a stunning succulent shrub that forms dense rosettes of …
Aeonium 'Marnier-Lapostolle Variegatum' is a magnificent shrubby succulent that forms cup-shaped rosettes of variegated, spoon-shaped …
Aeonium 'Green Rose' is a beautiful succulent with white-edged green leaves arranged in rosettes at the end of sturdy bare branches …
Aeonium 'Anna' is an attractive succulent with thick stems topped with rosettes of green leaves with creamy yellow edges and some red …
Aeonium 'Green Tea' is an eye-catching succulent shrublet with numerous branches that end in rosettes of variegated leaves. It has a …