Hammeria meleagris, also known as Hammeria salteri, is a succulent subshrub with branches that bear leaves in pairs of dissimilar size and …
Browsing: succulent
Aeonium 'Chanel' is a succulent subshrub with short branches that end in stunning rosettes of variegated leaves. It can grow up to 12 …
Hoya imperialis 'Palawan' is a robust climbing plant with slender, woody stems that bear large leathery leaves with a prominent midrib …
Echeveria 'Tori' is a beautiful succulent plant that forms short-stemmed rosettes of broad, undulating leaves with irregularly crimped …
Hereroa calycina is a dwarf succulent shrublet that grows in dense clumps with short branches and fleshy, rough leaves. It can reach up …
Crassula tillaea is an annual succulent plant with simple or often branching stems and tiny, crowded, triangular leaves. The stems can be …
Aichryson tortuosum subsp. bethencourtianum 'Variegatum', also known as Aichryson bethencourtianum 'Variegatum', is an attractive …
×Pachyveria 'Snow Fingers' is a stunning succulent that forms short-stemmed rosettes of pointed leaves with a distinctive snowy …
Aeonium 'Floresens' is a stunning succulent shrublet with rosettes of variegated leaves at the end of its ascending or pendent branches …
Desmidorchis speciosa, formerly known as Caralluma speciosa, is a succulent plant that grows in clumps of erect or ascending, tetragonal …