Echeveria 'Lazarus' is a succulent plant that forms beautiful rosettes of spoon-shaped, slightly wavy leaves. As the rosettes grow, they …
Browsing: succulent
Echeveria 'Snow Bunny' is a charming succulent that forms rosettes of bluish-green leaves covered with a fine waxy bloom that rubs off …
Cleretum rourkei (Red Sandfig) is a low-growing, annual succulent with green, narrowly racket-shaped leaves covered with bladder-shaped …
Hoya australis is a climbing plant with slender stems that bear shiny, succulent leaves. The stems can grow up to 33 feet (10 m) long …
Hereroa aspera is a succulent shrublet with short, erect to spreading branches and paired, finger-like leaves. It can grow up to 3.2 …
Aloe 'Sunblush' is an attractive succulent that forms small rosettes of fleshy leaves that change color depending on the amount of light …
Aeonium 'Milky White' is a stunning succulent shrublet with short branches that terminate in a rosette of variegated leaves. The colors …
Mesembryanthemum tenuiflorum, also known as Phyllobolus tenuiflorus or Sphalmanthus tenuiflorus, is a succulent geophyte with thick …
Aloe pendens is a small succulent with upright to hanging stems and sword-shaped leaves scattered along the stem. It freely branches from …
Cheiridopsis vanzylii, also known as Ihlenfeldtia vanzylii, is a small succulent that forms clumps of fleshy, gray-green leaves with …