Lithops bromfieldii (Living Stones) is a dwarf succulent that grows solitary or forms clumps of usually 2 to 10 bodies in an inverted …
Browsing: succulent
Euphorbia vulcanorum is a densely branched succulent shrub with green, 4- to 5-angled branches attractively marked with spine shields …
Sedum sexangulare (Tasteless Stonecrop) is a mat-forming succulent with ascending branched stems that bear thick fleshy bright green…
Crassula capitella subsp. nodulosa is a perennial, rarely biennial succulent with a usually solitary rosette and an erect, unbranched …
Agave × romani is a succulent plant that forms rosettes of pale green to bluish-green leaves with nice red-brown edges. The leaves are …
Haworthia zantneriana (High Haworthia) is a small succulent that forms stemless rosettes of pale gay-green to brownish-green leaves…
Aloe flexilifolia is a succulent shrub with many branches that arise from the base to form a large clump. The branches can be either stout …
Echeveria 'Azulita' is a succulent plant that forms small rosettes of icy blue leaves with powdery coating and attractive red tips …
Tylecodon hirtifolius, also known as Tylecodon hirtifolium, is a low, sparingly branched succulent shrub with spreading to decumbent …
Haworthiopsis viscosa, formerly known as Haworthia viscosa, is a succulent plant with a distinct trifarious arrangement of the leaves …