Bergeranthus multiceps is a small succulent that forms tightly packed clumps of suberect, tapering leaves. It can grow up to 3.2 inches …
Browsing: succulent
Huernia barbata is a small succulent that forms dense clumps of short, often very stout stems with spreading deltoid tubercles joined into …
Kalanchoe grandiflora (Yellow Kalanchoe) is a succulent plant with erect, branched stems bearing bluish-green to blue-violet leaves with …
Echeveria 'Apus' is a beautiful succulent that forms a compact basal rosette of grey-green leaves with distinct red margins and tips …
Aeonium 'Fiesta' is a spectacular, clump-forming succulent with short-stemmed rosettes of spoon-shaped leaves with unique four-color …
Duvalia caespitosa subsp. vestita, also known as Duvalia vestita, is a small, much-branched succulent with fleshy, leafless, dull green …
Echeveria 'Hercules' is a small succulent that forms basal rosettes of smooth, grey-green, densely packed leaves with pink to purple …
Bijlia dilatata (Prince Albert Vygie) is a dwarf tufted, almost stemless succulent that forms rosettes of whitish-green, irregularly club …
Aeonium 'Garnet', also known as Aeonium 'Irish Eyes', is a beautiful succulent that forms a dense mound of numerous branches topped with …
Hoya lasiantha is a bushy plant with drooping branches, thin green leaves with pinnate venation, and attractive flowers with a bright …