Stapelia acuminata is a small succulent that forms a diffuse clump of decumbent stems with tubercles usually joined into four obtuse …
Browsing: succulent
Aloe 'Snow Drift' is a small succulent that forms upright rosettes of light greyed-green leaves with a faint pink flush and entire …
Sedum hirsutum subsp. baeticum is a succulent plant that forms tufts of stout, leafless stolons with a terminal rooting rosette of sticky …
Echeveria 'Pinwheel Revolution' is a succulent plant that forms dense, almost stemless rosettes of fleshy leaves rolled downwards along …
Tridentea jucunda is a small succulent that forms a clump of smooth stems with four angles marked by rows of low tubercles. The stems are …
Echeveria 'Benimusume' is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, green, pointed leaves with a red to dark red tip and …
Hoya buotii is a climbing plant with twining stems, often woody at the base, and light green leaves with visible, somewhat darker veins …
×Pachyveria 'Blue Tongue' is a beautiful succulent that forms a rosette of blue-green, tongue-shaped leaves with showy pink hues …
Aeonium canariense subsp. latifolium, formerly known as Aeonium canariense var. subplanum, is a succulent plant that forms a large …
Pleiospilos bolusii (Mimicry Plant) is a dwarf succulent with two or four opposite, quite thick leaves fused at the base. It can grow up …