Stapelianthus decaryi is a small succulent that forms large compact clumps of grey-green stems spotted with red-brown and covered with …
Browsing: stapeliads
Stapelia schinzii is a small succulent with green stems, usually mottled with purple, that arise from a short horizontal base. It forms …
Hoodia pilifera is a succulent shrub with erect, greyish-green to brown-green stems with tubercles fused below the middle into 20 to 34 …
Piaranthus geminatus var. foetidus, also known as Piaranthus foetidus, is a dwarf, mat-forming succulent with 4- to 5-angled, gray-green …
Orbea caudata, formerly known as Caralluma caudata, is a small succulent that forms clumps of fleshy stems with tubercles arranged loosely …
Caralluma burchardii is a shrubby succulent with xerophytic features and a cactus-like appearance. It has strong erect stems with slender…
Larryleachia cactiformis is a small succulent with erect, cylindrical clavate, whitish to grey-green stems with flattened, rounded …
Orbea rogersii is a small succulent that forms clumps of slender, erect or ascending stems with conical tubercles arranged loosely into …
Stapelia hirsuta (African Starfish Flowers) is an attractive succulent that forms dense clumps of erect, greyish-green to green stems …
Caralluma hexagona is a small, much-branched succulent with fleshy, green to gray-green stems with four wavy and toothed ribs. It grows …