Rabiea albinota is a dwarf succulent with short stems and pairs of erect, greyish-green leaves thickly marked with small, whitish, raised …
Browsing: mesembs
Rhinephyllum graniforme is a succulent shrublet with grain-shaped leaves densely packed along the branches. It can reach a height of up …
Antimima fenestrata is a compact succulent shrublet with tightly packed leaves on short branches. It can grow up to 4.8 inches (12 cm) …
Antimima elevata is a diffusely branched succulent shrub with short branches that bear pairs of fleshy, almost equal leaves. It can grow …
Antimima dekenahi is a dwarf succulent with short stems that bear pairs of trigonous leaves, forming a compact clump. It can grow up to …
Trichodiadema rogersiae is a succulent shrublet with small, narrow leaves arranged in opposite, spaced pairs along upright branches …
Gibbaeum pilosulum is a dwarf succulent that forms a dense clump of paired fleshy leaves fused into egg-shaped bodies. The leaves are …
Cephalophyllum caespitosum, also known as Cheiridopsis cuprea, is a small succulent that forms a dense clump of short branches with dark …
Diplosoma luckhoffii is a dwarf succulent with a pair of green, softly fleshy leaves covered with round, translucent, water-storage cells …
Gibbaeum pubescens is a dwarf succulent that forms compact clumps of short, densely arranged branches with pairs of unequal leaves covered …