Delosperma patersoniae is a dwarf shrublet with compressed branches that bear trigonous, recurved leaves with short cilia along their …
Browsing: mesembs
Delosperma testaceum is a dwarf succulent shrublet with erect branches and relatively narrow leaves with recurved tips. It can grow up to …
Drosanthemum globosum is an erect, much-branched, succulent shrublet with brown branches that bear spherical leaves densely covered with …
Delosperma litorale (White Trailing Iceplant) is a low-growing shrublet with trailing stems and spreading leaves arranged in opposite …
Cheiridopsis umbrosa is a succulent subshrub with ground-level branches that bear pale greenish-grey leaves with translucent spots …
Conophytum carpianum is a dwarf succulent that forms clumps of wedge-shaped bodies consisting of two opposite, almost completely fused …
Schwantesia herrei is a dwarf succulent that forms compact clumps of thick, fleshy, gray-green leaves arranged in opposite pairs …
Conophytum chrisocruxum is a dwarf succulent with inversely conical bodies that consist of two opposite, almost completely fused leaves …
Orthopterum waltoniae is a dwarf succulent shrublet with short branches that bear opposite, lance-shaped leaves. It can grow up to 12 …
Trichodiadema calvatum is a dwarf succulent shrublet with a thickened rootstock and slender branches that bear fleshy leaves without a …