×Graptoveria 'Accolade' is a small succulent that forms rosettes of blue-green leaves with a dark pink line along the tips and a short …
Browsing: hybrid
×Graptoveria 'Mrs Richards', also sold as ×Graptoveria 'Gypsy', is a beautiful succulent that forms small, short-stemmed rosettes of …
Echeveria 'Chantilly' is an ornamental succulent plant that forms a rosette of spoon-shaped, upturned, undulate leaves with irregularly …
×Graptoveria 'Royal Flush' is a charming small succulent that forms a compact, usually solitary rosette of fleshy, brownish-red leaves …
Aeonium 'Plum Thumb' is a magnificent succulent that forms rosettes of leaves that change color throughout the year. It has a branching …
×Graptoveria 'Araluen Gem' is a stunning succulent that forms rosettes of thick, dark green leaves with a waxy covering. The rosettes can …
Aeonium 'Yan Ning' is an attractive succulent that forms rosettes of mottled green leaves with an outer banding of white. As it grows, it …
Graptopetalum 'Mirinae Variegatum' is an attractive succulent shrublet that forms small rosettes of variegated leaves at the end of the …
Aloe 'Swordfish' is a striking succulent that forms open star-shaped rosettes of colorful leaves with lavender, blue, purple, and …
×Graptosedum 'Daniel-san' is a succulent shrublet with pointed, colorful leaves arranged in rosettes at the ends of the branches. It …