Aeonium 'Pseudotabuliforme' is an attractive, low-growing succulent that forms large, nearly flat rosettes of glossy green, spoon-shaped …
Browsing: hybrid
×Graptoveria 'Melody' is a small succulent that forms rosettes of thick, fleshy leaves in shades of grey, green, yellow, and brown …
Echeveria 'Avocado Cream', also known as ×Graptoveria 'Avocado Cream', is a small, clumping succulent that forms rosettes of plump oval …
Echeveria 'Nocturne' is a charming small succulent that forms rosettes of gray-green leaves that may feature red or purple speckles and …
Aeonium 'Peacock' is a striking succulent that forms rosettes of variegated leaves at the end of short branches. It can grow up to 12 …
Echeveria 'Cream Puff', also known as Echeveria 'Choux Cream', is a unique succulent that forms compact, short-stemmed rosettes of thick …
Echeveria 'Beverley' is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, lance-shaped leaves covered with a fine waxy bloom …
Echeveria 'Lawrence' is a beautiful succulent with a branching stem and rosettes of broad, spoon-shaped leaves at the end of its branches …
Echeveria 'Laulindsayana' is a charming succulent that forms a rosette of fleshy, gray-green leaves with a delicate powdery covering …
Aeonium 'Fireworks', also known as Aeonium 'Watermelon Taro', is a compact succulent shrublet that forms striking rosettes of variegated …