Aloe labworana (Labwor Hills Aloe) is an attractive succulent plant that forms stemless, sparsely offsetting rosettes of gray-green to …
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Echeveria 'Kissing' is a beautiful succulent that forms large rosettes of broad wavy emerald green leaves with pink to red margins …
Tylecodon buchholzianus var. fasciculatus is a small succulent that forms dense, spreading to drooping clusters of usually short branches …
Hylotelephium verticillatum, formerly known as Sedum verticillatum, is a succulent plant with simple, erect stems and usually glaucous …
Sempervivum pittonii (Pittoni Houseleek) is a small succulent that forms subglobose rosettes of green, densely hairy, tightly packed …
Mammillaria karwinskiana (Royal Cross) is a small cactus with green, spherical to short cylindrical stems with pyramidal, spirally …
Conophytum fraternum is a dwarf succulent with a pair of thick, fleshy leaves fused into an inversely conical body that is truncate to …
Lithops lesliei var. venteri is a dwarf succulent that forms a clump of bodies that consists of two thick, fleshy leaves divided by a …
Euphorbia cooperi (Bushveld Candelabra Tree) is a succulent tree with a stout, cylindrical trunk and branches that curve upwards and …
Sedum aetnense is a small, annual succulent with erect or ascending, usually simple stems covered with fleshy, erect-appressed leaves …