Cephalophyllum caespitosum, also known as Cheiridopsis cuprea, is a small succulent that forms a dense clump of short branches with dark …
Browsing: Succupedia
Duvalia caespitosa var. compacta is a small succulent that forms a compact clump of short, dull green to pinkish stems that branch at the …
Diplosoma luckhoffii is a dwarf succulent with a pair of green, softly fleshy leaves covered with round, translucent, water-storage cells …
Hoya densifolia is a shrubby plant with strong, upright stems that bear light to mid-green leaves. The stems can reach up to 3.3 feet …
Gibbaeum pubescens is a dwarf succulent that forms compact clumps of short, densely arranged branches with pairs of unequal leaves covered …
Opuntia aciculata (Chenille Pricklypear), also known as Opuntia engelmannii subsp. aciculata, is a somewhat upright or spreading shrub …
Aeonium 'Verna' is a stunning succulent that forms rosettes of variegated leaves showing shades of green, yellow, orange, and pink. It …
Echeveria 'Ariel Cristata', also known as Echeveria 'Ling Snow Cristata', is a fascinating succulent with fleshy, pointed leaves densely …
Orthopterum coeganum is a small succulent with short stems that bear rosettes of thick, fleshy, nearly upright leaves. It can grow up to …
Trichodiadema setuliferum (Hairy Nipple Vygie) is a succulent shrublet with small, narrow leaves arranged along its erect to decumbent …