Mesembryanthemum tenuiflorum, also known as Phyllobolus tenuiflorus or Sphalmanthus tenuiflorus, is a succulent geophyte with thick …
Browsing: South Africa
Cheiridopsis vanzylii, also known as Ihlenfeldtia vanzylii, is a small succulent that forms clumps of fleshy, gray-green leaves with …
Hammeria meleagris, also known as Hammeria salteri, is a succulent subshrub with branches that bear leaves in pairs of dissimilar size and …
Hereroa calycina is a dwarf succulent shrublet that grows in dense clumps with short branches and fleshy, rough leaves. It can reach up …
Glottiphyllum nelii is a dwarf shrub with decumbent branches that bear fleshy tongue-shaped leaves arranged alternately in two opposite …
Crassula deltoidea (Silver Beads) is a small succulent that forms a low mound of short branches with grey-green leaves covered with small …
Antimima pumila is a compact succulent subshrub with tightly packed leaves on short branches. The first leaf pair has a sheath that …
Glottiphyllum difforme is a small succulent plant with fleshy, bright green leaves arranged in pairs along the branches. Each pair of …
Quaqua arida is a small succulent plant that forms clumps of fleshy, quite stout stems with conical, spreading tubercles joined into four …
Euphorbia tuberculata is a succulent plant with a stout, inverted cone-shaped main stem that produces many erect or decumbent branches …