Trichodiadema calvatum is a dwarf succulent shrublet with a thickened rootstock and slender branches that bear fleshy leaves without a …
Browsing: South Africa
Adromischus sphenophyllus is a sparingly branched succulent shrublet with gray, erect branches and gray-green leaves, which are rarely …
Hereroa fimbriata is a small succulent shrub with finger-like leaves that grow along the entire length of its upright branches …
Trichodiadema peersii is a dwarf shrublet with a thickened taproot and short branched with green, subcylindrical leaves. It can grow up …
Gibbaeum schwantesii is a dwarf succulent with very short, woody stems and fleshy, very unequal leaves. It resembles the typical form of …
Orbea cooperi is a dwarf succulent that forms a dense clump of erect or ascending stems. The stems are green, marked with brown to purple …
Cotyledon eliseae is a well-branched, rounded, succulent shrublet with woody branches and thick, fleshy leaves. It can grow up to 8 …
Argyroderma fissum is a dwarf succulent that forms a dense clump of pairs of finger-shaped leaves. It can reach up to 12 inches (30 cm) …
Euphorbia patula (Bird's Foot Euphorbia) is a small succulent that forms a cluster of gray-green, often rhizomatous branches radiating …
Euphorbia gorgonis (Gorgon's Head) is a dwarf succulent with a crown of short, radiating branches arranged in 3 to 5 series around a …