Tylecodon reticulatus subsp. phyllopodium is a small succulent shrub with branches that bear cylindrical or slightly tapering leaves …
Browsing: Namibia
Adromischus alstonii is a small succulent with decumbent to erect branches that bear grey leaves with flaking wax and occasionally purple …
Tromotriche pedunculata is a succulent plant that forms clumps of upright to nearly prostrate stems with ascending tips. The stems are …
Aloe melanacantha (Black Thorn Aloe) is a succulent plant that forms ball-shaped rosettes of triangular, incurved leaves. The rosettes …
Crassula deltoidea (Silver Beads) is a small succulent that forms a low mound of short branches with grey-green leaves covered with small …
Ebracteola derenbergiana is a small succulent that grows in compact clumps of tightly packed rosettes consisting of dotted gray-green …
Euphorbia braunsii is a small succulent plant with numerous gray-green branches that are densely crowded on the upper part of a stout stem …
Huernia zebrina subsp. magniflora is a small succulent that forms a clump of upright to decumbent stems with deltoid tubercles joined …
Juttadinteria albata is a succulent shrublet with procumbent to erect branches and smooth, whitish leaves that taper to a narrow apex …
Hoodia officinalis is a succulent shrub with gray-green to brown-green stems with tubercles joined in the lower half into 14 to 23 angles …