Eulychnia saint-pieana is a tree-like cactus with greyish-green or dark-green stems that feature 10 to 18 slightly tuberculate ribs lined …
Browsing: Chile
Eulychnia breviflora is a tree-like cactus that typically has a well-defined but very short trunk and upright, greyish-green or dark …
Cumulopuntia sphaerica is a shrubby cactus with gray-green, segmented stems armed with reddish spines that turn lighter as they age …
Oreocereus hempelianus, also known as Arequipa hempeliana, is an attractive cactus with short, cylindrical stems with 10 to 20 ribs and a …
Viola philippii is a small perennial plant that forms rosettes of semi-succulent, beautifully textured leaves with reddish crenate …
Viola chamaedrys is a small annual or short-lived perennial that forms stemless rosettes of semi-succulent, strongly crenate leaves …
Viola tectiflora is a small, stemless, annual or short-lived perennial belonging to the group of Rosulate Violas. It forms rosettes of …
Viola montagnei is an attractive stemless perennial plant that forms rosettes of green, semi-succulent leaves with reddish midrib, veins …
Viola petraea is an attractive perennial plant with semi-succulent leaves arranged in a rosette. The leaves are green to olive-brown …
Viola atropurpurea is a perennial plant with semi-succulent, olive-brown to pale blue-green leaves spirally arranged in rosettes and …