Hoya carnosa (Wax Plant) is a common houseplant with slender, smooth, pale gray stems that twine and climb bearing glossy, dark green …
Browsing: Asia
Hoya kerrii (Sweetheart Hoya) is a climbing plant with slender stout stems and succulent heart-shaped leaves. The stems grow up to 13 …
Euphorbia myrsinites (Myrtle Spurge) is an attractive succulent with trailing stems rising at the tips and covered with spirals of …
Agave cantala (Bombay Aloe) is a succulent plant that forms short-stemmed rosettes of dark blue-green linear-lanceolate leaves with black…
Dorstenia gigas (Socotran Fig Tree) is a caudiciform plant with a large flask-shaped to nearly spherical trunk with many side branches and…