Stapelia schinzii var. angolensis is a small succulent with loosely spreading and sometimes almost prostrate stems with tubercles that …
Browsing: Angola
Huernia volkartii (Dragon Flower) is a small succulent with erect to decumbent stems with low conical tubercles joined into usually four…
Aloe hereroensis is a succulent plant that forms dense rosettes of grey-green, blue-green, or reddish-brown leaves. The rosettes are …
Aloe littoralis (Mopane Aloe) is a succulent plant that forms a rosette at the top of an upright, usually unbranched stem densely bearded …
Fockea multiflora (Python Vine) is a large succulent with a swollen tuberous base and branches that sprawl on the ground or twine around …
Fockea angustifolia is a caudiciform plant with erect or climbing stems growing from a large tuber. The stems are slender, woody, and …
Pachypodium lealii (Bottle Tree) is a succulent shrub or small tree with a thick, bottle-shaped trunk that is almost branchless until the …
Stapelia schinzii is a small succulent with green stems, usually mottled with purple, that arise from a short horizontal base. It forms …
Cyphostemma uter is a deciduous caudiciform succulent that grows from a very stout trunk, repeatedly branching from the apex and forming …
Talinum caffrum (Porcupine Root) is a perennial plant with a tuberous root and annual, much-branched, semi-erect or decumbent stems …