Sinningia bullata is a tuberous perennial with crinkled green leaves, thick white wool on the back of new leaves and the tip of new …
Browsing: Sinningia
Sinningia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Gesneriaceae. It is named after Wilhelm Sinning (1792-1874), a gardener of the Botanische Gärten der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. There are about 65 species of tuberous herbaceous perennials, all occurring in Central and South America, with the greatest concentration of species occurring in southern Brazil.
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Sinningia cardinalis is a beautiful plant with annual, erect to ascending stems bearing velvety, bright-green leaves that sprout in the …
Sinningia leucotricha (Brazilian Edelweiss) is an attractive succulent with a large, rounded tuber from which a few short, annual stems …