Echeveria 'Tori' is a beautiful succulent plant that forms short-stemmed rosettes of broad, undulating leaves with irregularly crimped …
Browsing: Crassula
Crassula is a large genus of succulent plants native to many parts of the world, but the species that are used in gardening or by collectors are coming almost exclusively from South Africa.
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Crassula tillaea is an annual succulent plant with simple or often branching stems and tiny, crowded, triangular leaves. The stems can be …
Crassula deltoidea (Silver Beads) is a small succulent that forms a low mound of short branches with grey-green leaves covered with small …
Crassula ovata 'Didier Pocreau', also known as Crassula ovata 'Didier' or Crassula ovata 'Mullog', is a succulent shrub with branches that …
Crassula 'Baby's Necklace Variegata' is a beautiful small succulent with rounded, variegated leaves that enclose slender stems like beads …
Crassula perforata 'Giant Form' is a much-branched succulent shrub with slender stems and grey-green leaves with reddish margins …
Crassula montana subsp. quadrangularis is a small, low-growing succulent with leaves neatly arranged in pairs along the stem, each at …
Crassula cymbiformis is a moderately branched succulent shrublet with stout, decumbent branches and fleshy, distinctly boat-shaped, more …
Crassula compacta is a dwarf succulent that forms one or two, rarely several rosettes of fleshy, green to reddish brown leaves with darker …
Crassula ciliata (Frill Stonecrop) is a much-branched, succulent shrublet with short, decumbent branches and green to yellowish-green …