Aloe arenicola (Sand Aloe) is a succulent shrublet with creeping stems that bear blue-green leaves adorned with irregularly scattered …
Browsing: Aloe
Aloe is a genus of flowering succulent plants, native to Africa, Madagascar, and the Arabian Peninsula. The origin of the genus name is uncertain, but the most popularly accepted suggestions are that it is derived from the Arabic words "alloch" or "alloeh", a vernacular name for medicinally used members of the genus, or the Greek word "aloë", referring to the dried juice of aloe leaves.
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Aloe divaricata is a succulent plant that may grow as a single-stemmed tree or a more or less open shrub. The stems can reach up to 20 …
Aloe melanacantha (Black Thorn Aloe) is a succulent plant that forms ball-shaped rosettes of triangular, incurved leaves. The rosettes …
Aloe 'Sunblush' is an attractive succulent that forms small rosettes of fleshy leaves that change color depending on the amount of light …
Aloe pendens is a small succulent with upright to hanging stems and sword-shaped leaves scattered along the stem. It freely branches from …
Aloe 'Corduroy' is a beautiful small succulent that forms a rosette of green leaves with numerous elongated, whitish to pale yellow …
Aloe 'Mango Madness' is a beautiful succulent that forms lax rosettes of green leaves that turn a coppery red in summer. It has a stem …
Aloe 'RFG' is a small succulent that forms star-shaped rosettes of gray-green triangular leaves adorned with pink spiny tubercles on both …
Aloe 'Night Sky', also sold as Aloe 'Starry Night', is a beautiful small succulent that forms star-shaped rosettes of olive green leaves …
Aloe bulbillifera is a succulent plant that forms a solitary rosette of green, lance-shaped leaves with small teeth along the edges. The …