Consolea moniliformis (Necklacelike Pricklypear), formerly known as Opuntia moniliformis, is a tree-like cactus with an upright …
Browsing: moniliformis
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Epithet: moniliformis
Meaning: Moniliform, characterized by or having a chain-like series of bumps, swellings, or joints; resembling beads on a string or necklace.
Derivation: A New Latin adjective
Pronunciation: mon-il-lee-FOR-mis
While the generic name must be unique, two or more genera often share the same specific epithet. Moreover, the same epithet can be used for subspecies, varieties, and forms within a species. Here is a list of plants that share this epithet.
Monilaria moniliformis (Bunny Succulent) is a beautiful, small, sparsely branched succulent shrub with soft, barrel-shaped internodes and …