Click on the common name of the succulents for which you wish to explore further.
You can also browse succulents by Scientific Name, Genus, Family, USDA Hardiness Zone, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Click a letter to jump to common names beginning with the chosen letter.
- Aaron's Rod
- Achuma
- Adam's Needle
- Adamant Creeper
- Adan Bush
- Aden Rose of Socotra
- Adolph's Sedum
- African Aloe
- African Baobab
- African Blood Lily
- African Bonsai
- African Bowstring Hemp
- African Candelabra
- African Living Rock
- African Milk Barrel
- African Milk Bush
- African Milk Tree
- African Ocotillo
- African Spear
- African Spurge
- African Starfish Flower
- African Starfish Flowers
- Agave Cactus
- Airplane Plant
- Air Plant
- Aizoon Stonecrop
- Alba Bunny Ears
- Albanian Spurge
- Alfilerillo
- Alicoche
- Alicoche Banana Cactus
- Allegheny Stonecrop
- Alligator Jaw Aloe
- Alligator Plant
- Aloe of the Shore
- Aloe Vera
- Aloe Yucca
- Alpine Stonecrop
- American Agave
- American Aloe
- American Baby Rubber Plant
- American Century Plant
- American Live Forever
- American Orpine
- American Rubber Plant
- American Searocket
- Amur Stonecrop
- Andes Organ Pipe
- Angel's Wings
- Angelina Stonecrop
- Angel Rope
- Angel Wings
- Annual Stonecrop
- Antigua Agave
- Antique Spurge
- Ant Plant
- Apple Cactus
- Arctic Root
- Arenaceous Crown Cactus
- Argentine Echeveria
- Argentine Giant
- Arizona Barrel Cactus
- Arizona Hedgehog
- Arizona Rainbow Cactus
- Aroena
- Aroid Palm
- Artichoke Agave
- Artichoke Cactus
- Australian Swamp Stonecrop
- Autumn Stonecrop
- Avas Euphorbia
- Aztec Cactus
- Azure Stonecrop
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- Baboon's Cucumber
- Baboon Ghaap
- Baby's Bottom
- Baby's Toes
- Baby Blue Stonecrop
- Baby Burro's Tail
- Baby Donkey's Tail
- Baby Echeveria
- Baby Jade
- Baby Joshua Tree
- Baby Rubber Plant
- Baby Sun Rose
- Baby Toes
- Baja California Cholla
- Baja California Sur Century Agave
- Baja Live Forever
- Baked Beans
- Baker Aloe
- Bakersfield Cactus
- Bald Agave
- Ball Cactus
- Ballerina Flower
- Ball Lily
- Balloon Cactus
- Balsam Spurge
- Banana Cactus
- Banana Vine
- Bandaged Finger
- Baobab
- Barbados Aloe
- Barbados Gooseberry
- Barbados Shrub
- Barbary Fig
- Barbary Stones
- Barbed-Wire Cactus
- Barberton Groundsel
- Barberton Senecio
- Baseball Cactus
- Baseball Plant
- Basketball Plant
- Bastard Cobas
- Bathurst Gasteria
- Baviaanskloof Cliff Gasteria
- Beach Bells
- Bead Bush
- Beaded Ice Plant
- Beaded Vygie
- Beads Lampranthus
- Bead Vine
- Beaked Yucca
- Bear's Paw
- Bearded-leaved Crassula
- Bear Grass
- Bear Paw Jade
- Beautiful Aloe
- Beautiful Graptopetalum
- Beauverd's Widow's-thrill
- Beavertail Cactus
- Beavertail Prickly Pear
- Beehive Cactus
- Beestebul
- Belle of the Night
- Bellyache Bush
- Benecke's Nipple Cactus
- Benecke Fishhook Cactus
- Berlander's Nettlespurg
- Big-Tooth Euphorbia
- Big Bend Cory Cactus
- Big Bend Mammillaria
- Big Blue Chalk Sticks
- Bigfoot
- Big Horn
- Big Horned Euphorbia
- Big Horned Spurge
- Big Penis Cactus
- Bilberry Cactus
- Bird's Brandy
- Bird's Foot Euphorbia
- Bird's Nest Sansevieria
- Bird-of-paradise Flower
- Birdfoot Cactus
- Birthday Cake Cactus
- Bishop's Cap
- Bishop's Cap Cactus
- Bishop's Hat
- Bishop's Hood
- Bishop's Miter
- Bishop's Miter Cactus
- Biting Stonecrop
- Bitter Aloe
- Bitter Ghaap
- Black-spined Agave
- Black-spined Prickly Pear
- Black-spine Prickly Pear
- Black Beauty
- Black Bells
- Black Carrion Flower
- Black Crownfig
- Black Echeveria
- Black Fingers
- Black Haworthia
- Black Head
- Black Physicnut
- Black Rose
- Blackseed Glasswort
- Blackseed Samphire
- Black Thorn Aloe
- Black Tree Aeonium
- Bladder Vine
- Blazing Glory
- Blind Pear
- Blind Prickly Pear
- Blood Flower
- Blood Lily
- Bloodspot Mangave
- Blooming Boxes
- Blue-stem Yucca
- Blue Agave
- Blue Aloe
- Blue Ball Cactus
- Blue Barrel Cactus
- Bluebean
- Blue Candle
- Blue Cereus
- Blue Chalk Fingers
- Blue Chalk Sticks
- Blue Chalksticks
- Blue Coleus
- Blue Columnar Cactus
- Blue Dwarf Aloe
- Blue Echeveria
- Blue Euphorbia
- Blue Finger
- Blue Fingers
- Blue Flame
- Blue Ice Plant
- Blue Jelly Bean
- Blue Kalanchoe
- Blue Myrtle Cactus
- Blue Noors
- Blue Pebbles
- Blue Rose
- Blue Rose Agave
- Blue Rose Echeveria
- Blue Sansevieria
- Blue Senecio
- Blue Sotol
- Blue Spider Aloe
- Blue Spruce Stonecrop
- Blue Spurge
- Blue Stick Succulent
- Blue Stonecrop
- Blue Stone Plants
- Blue Straws
- Blue Tears Sedum
- Blue Wave Agave
- Bluff Lettuce
- Blunt-leaved Peperomia
- Blunt-spine Prickly Pear
- Blunt Leaf Peperomia
- Blushing Aeonium
- Boat-formed Haworthia
- Boat Lily
- Boke's Button Cactus
- Bolivian Jew
- Bolivian Torch
- Bolivian Torch Cactus
- Bombay Aloe
- Bonsai Crassula
- Bonsai Jade
- Bonsai Sedum
- Boob Cactus
- Boobsie Cactus
- Book-leaved Aloe
- Book Aloe
- Botany Bay Spinach
- Bottlebrush Aloe
- Bottle Cactus
- Bottle Euphorbia
- Bottle Palm
- Bottleplant Shrub
- Bottle Ponytail
- Bottle Tree
- Bow-string Hemp
- Bowstring Hemp
- Boxing Glove Cactus
- Boxing Glove Cholla
- Brady's Hedgehog Cactus
- Brady's Pediocactus
- Brady's Pincushion Cactus
- Brady Plains Cactus
- Brain Cactus
- Brazilian Edelweiss
- Brazilian Prickley Pear
- Breast Cactus
- Bredasdorp Gasteria
- Breede Haworthia
- Breede Tiptoothfig
- Bright Green Dudleya
- Brilliant Stonecrop
- Bristle Haworthia
- Britton's Dudleya
- Broad-Leaved Glaucous Spurge
- Broad-leaved Stonecrop
- Broadleaf Stonecrop
- Brown Beans
- Brown Ghost Plant
- Buck Thorn
- Buddha Belly
- Buddha Belly Plant
- Buffalo Euphorbia
- Bullock's Beard
- Bullock's Eye
- Bumpy Astroloba
- Bunched Cory Cactus
- Bunched Haworthia
- Bunny-Ear Pearlfig
- Bunny-Ears Prickly-Pear
- Bunny Cactus
- Bunny Ears
- Bunny Ears Cactus
- Bunny Ear Succulent
- Bunny Succulent
- Burger's Onion
- Burn Aloe
- Burn Plant
- Burro's Tail
- Bushman's Buttocks
- Bushman's Candle
- Bushman's Hat
- Bushman's Pipe
- Bushman's Poison
- Bushman Poison
- Bushmen's Arrow Poison
- Bush Plakkie
- Bush Sedum
- Bushveld Candelabra Euphorbia
- Bushveld Candelabra Tree
- Butter Bush
- Butterfly Agave
- Butterfly Stonecrop
- Butter Tree
- Butterwort
- Button Cactus
- Button Orchid
- Button Plants
- Buttons on a String
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- Cabbage Head Agave
- Cabbage Head Century Plant
- Cactus Euphorbia
- Cactus Pachypodium
- Cactus Pear
- Cactus Pudding
- Cactus Spurge
- Calico Hearts
- California Barrel Cactus
- California Hedgehog
- Cameron's Ruwari Aloe
- Campfire Crassula
- Campfire Plant
- Canarian Bean Caper
- Canary Candelabra Spurge
- Canary Creeper
- Canary Island Spurge
- Candelabra Aloe
- Candelabra Cactus
- Candelabra Euphorbia
- Candelabra Plant
- Candelabra Spurge
- Candelabra Tree
- Candelabrum Agave
- Candelabrum Cactus
- Candelilla
- Candle Bush
- Candleholder Cactus
- Candle Plant
- Candle Stick
- Candlestick Plant
- Candlewood
- Candy Barrel Cactus
- Cane Cactus
- Cane Cholla
- Cannon Aloe
- Cantala
- Cantala Fibre
- Cape Aloe
- Cape Blanco Stonecrop
- Cape Century Plant
- Cape Fig
- Cape Ivy
- Cape Prickly Aloe
- Cape Province Pygmyweed
- Cape Snowdrop
- Cape Speckled Aloe
- Cardinal Flower
- Cardon
- Cardon Grande
- Caribbean Agave
- Caribbean Copper Bush
- Caribbean Copper Plant
- Caribbean Oregano
- Carl's Stonecrop
- Carmen Pincushion Cactus
- Carpet Foxtail Cactus
- Carpet Leaf
- Carpet of Stars
- Carpet Sedum
- Carpet Weed
- Carrion Cactus
- Carrion Flower
- Carrion Plant
- Cascade Stonecrop
- Cat's Claw
- Cat's Paw
- Catalina Island Liveforever
- Cat Chap
- Cathedral Bells
- Cathedral Cactus
- Cathedral Window Haworthia
- Cat Jaws
- Cat Tails Euphorbia
- Cattle Tongue
- Caucasian Stonecrop
- Cavul
- Cayman Agave
- Cebu Maguey
- Cederberg Haworthia
- Cedros Island Liveforever
- Center Stripe Agave
- Central Mexico Pipe Organ
- Century Plant
- Ceylon Bowstring Hemp
- Chabaud's Aloe
- Chain-link Cholla
- Chain Fruit Cholla
- Chainlink Cactus
- Chain of Hearts
- Chain Plant
- Chain Stonecrop
- Chalk Agave
- Chalk Liveforever
- Chandelier Plant
- Chandelier Tree
- Chautle
- Chaya
- Chenille Plant
- Chenille Pricklypear
- Cherry Chocolate Chip Manfreda
- Chichipe
- Chick Charms® Cranberry Cocktail™
- Chicken Claws
- Chihuahua Flower
- Chilean Ice Plant
- Chilean Oxalis
- Chilean Sea Fig
- Chilean Wood Sorrel
- Chin Cactus
- Chinese Aloe
- Chinese Dunce Cap
- Chinese Hat
- Chinese Jade
- Chinese Money Plant
- Chinese Pagoda
- Chinese Rubber
- Chinese Sedum
- Chinese Stonecrop
- Chisme
- Chizarira Escarpment Aloe
- Chocolate Ball Stonecrop
- Chocolate Drop
- Chocolate Soldier
- Christ in the Cradle
- Christmas Cactus
- Christmas Candle
- Christmas Cheer
- Christmas Cholla
- Christmas Eve Flower
- Christmas Flower
- Christmas Kalanchoe
- Christmas Star
- Christmas Tree Cactus
- Christmas Tree Kalanchoe
- Christmas Tree Plant
- Christ Plant
- Christ Thorns
- Cimora Misha
- Cinderella Plant
- Cinnamon Bear
- Cinnamon Bunny Ears
- Cinnamon Cactus
- Cinnamon Pear
- Claret Cup Cactus
- Clark Mountain Agave
- Claw Cactus
- Clay Prince Albert Vygie
- Cleft Stone
- Cliff-dwelling Stonecrop
- Cliff Barrel Cactus
- Cliff Cotyledon
- Cliff Kleinia
- Cliff Maids
- Cliff Spurge
- Cliff Stonecrop
- Climbing-flower Aloe
- Climbing Aloe
- Climbing Cactus
- Climbing Groundsel
- Climbing Onion
- Climbing Potato
- Clock Face Cactus
- Clokey Cholla
- Club Adromischus
- Club Cactus
- Club Foot
- Clubmoss Crassula
- Clumpy Mistletoe Cactus
- Coachwhip
- Coahuilan Hesperaloe
- Coastal Agave
- Coastal Aloe
- Coastal Dudleya
- Coast Aloe
- Coastal Prickly Pear
- Coastal Stonecrop
- Coast Barrel Cactus
- Coast Dudleya
- Coast Ox-tongue
- Cobas Tree
- Cob Cactus
- Cobweb Aloe
- Cobweb Hen and Chick
- Cobweb Hen and Chicks
- Cobweb Houseleek
- Cobweb Sedum
- Cobweb Spiderwort
- Cochal
- Cochineal Cactus
- Cochineal Nopal Cactus
- Cochineal Opuntia
- Cochineal Prickly Pear
- Cocklebur
- Cockle Burrs
- Cocoon Plant
- Collar of Hearts
- Colorado Stonecrop
- Columnar Peperomia
- Column Cactus
- Comb Hedgehog
- Common Aloe
- Common Bluestraw
- Common Climbing Aloe
- Common Fishhook Cactus
- Common Frangipani
- Common Glasswort
- Common Houseleek
- Common Ice Plant
- Common Kalanchoe
- Common Milk Hedge
- Common Pegleg Butterbush
- Common Pest Pear
- Common Purslane
- Common Sotol
- Common Tiptoothfig
- Common Tree Euphorbia
- Common Waxflower
- Common White Saladillo
- Common Yucca
- Compass Barrel
- Compass Barrel Cactus
- Compass Barrelwort
- Compass Cactus
- Concertina Bush
- Concertina Plant
- Concertina Stonecrop
- Concrete Leaf
- Concrete Leaf Living Stone
- Condom Plant
- Cone Cactus
- Cone Plants
- Congested Ice Plant
- Contorted Cereus
- Cook's Cabbage
- Cooper's Aloe
- Cooper's False Scilla
- Cooper's Hardy Ice Plant
- Cooper's Haworthia
- Cooper's Ice Plant
- Copiapoa de Adriana
- Copper Branch
- Copper Leaf
- Copper Pinwheel
- Copper Rose
- Copper Roses
- Copper Spoons
- Coral Aloe
- Coral Beads
- Coral Bell Plant
- Coral Bells
- Coral Berry
- Coral Cactus
- Coral Carpet Stonecrop
- Coral Crassula
- Coral Ragwort
- Coral Senecio
- Coral Stonecrop
- Coral Yucca
- Corkscrew Albuca
- Corncob Cactus
- Corncob Euphorbia
- Corn Cob Plant
- Corsican Stonecrop
- Costa Rican Dragon Fruit
- Costa Rica Nightblooming Cactus
- Costa Rican Pitahaya
- Cotton-leafed Jatropha
- Cotton-leaf Physicnut
- Cotton Ball Cactus
- Cotton Coral
- Cotton Coral Cactus
- Cotton Pole
- Cotton Pole Cactus
- Coues Agave
- Coues Century Plant
- Country Borage
- Coville's Barrel Cactus
- Coville's Cactus
- Cow's Horn
- Cow's Horn Euphorbia
- Cow's Tongue Cactus
- Cow Blinder
- Cowboy's Red Whiskers
- Cow Horn Agave
- Cow Tongue
- Cow Tongue Cactus
- Cow Tongue Prickly Pear
- Coyote Prickly Pear
- Crab Cactus
- Crassula 'Garnet Lotus'
- Crassula Hobbit
- Cream and Green Carpet Sedum
- Cream Cactus
- Cream of Tartar Tree
- Cream Pincushion
- Creeping Basket Plant
- Creeping Berry
- Creeping Buttons
- Creeping Charlie
- Creeping Fig
- Creeping Groundsel
- Creeping Inch Plant
- Creeping Pear
- Creeping Prickly Pear
- Creeping Shrubby Ice Plant
- Creeping Spurge
- Creeping Stonecrop
- Crested Baseball Plant
- Crested Blue Candle
- Crested Blue Flame
- Crested Blue Myrtle
- Crested Button Cactus
- Crested Candelabra Plant
- Crested Dead Man's Fingers
- Crested Elkhorn
- Crested Euphorbia
- Crested Eve's Needle
- Crested Molded Wax Agave
- Crested Mushroom Opuntia
- Crested Saguaro
- Crested Sea Urchin
- Crested Crown of Thorns
- Crimson Crown Cactus
- Crimson Euphorbia
- Crinkle Leaf Plant
- Crocodile Jaws
- Crocodile Jaws Aloe
- Crocodile Plant
- Crow's Claw Cactus
- Crowded Haworthia
- Crown of Thorns
- Crownpod Purslane
- Crystalline Ice Plant
- Cuba Hemp
- Cuban Hemp
- Cuban Oregano
- Cuban Sisal
- Cube-shaped Pseudolithos
- Cube Pseudolithos
- Cultivated Aloe
- Cuming's Crown Cactus
- Cup Kalanchoe
- Curiosity Plant
- Curly Albuca
- Curtain Plant
- Curve Leaf Yucca
- Cylindrical Euphorbia
- Cylindrical Snake Plant
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- Dagger Plant
- Daggerpod
- Dahlia Cactus
- Dancing Bones
- Dancing Bones Cactus
- Dappled Snowbrush
- Dark-flowered Agave
- Dark Purple Caralluma
- Dark Purple Houseleek Tree
- Darwin's Cactus
- Dassievygie
- Dawe's Aloe
- Day Flower
- Dead-rat Tree
- Dead Man's Fingers
- Dead Plant
- Dead Stick Plant
- Dead Wood Plant
- Decumbens Cactus
- Deltoid-leaved Dewplant
- Desert's Blooming Jewel
- Desert Agave
- Desert Barrel Cactus
- Desert Cabbage
- Desert Candle
- Desert Christmas Cactus
- Desert Christmas Cholla
- Desert Coral
- Desert Rose
- Desert Savior
- Desert Spoon
- Devil's Backbone
- Devil's Beard
- Devil's Fingers
- Devil's Head Cactus
- Devil's Root
- Devil's Rope Cactus
- Devil's Tongue
- Devil's Tongue Barrel
- Devil's Tongue Barrel Cactus
- Devil's Tongue Cactus
- Devil's Trumpet
- Devil-head Cactus
- Devilshead
- Devotion Echeveria
- Dew Flower
- Dew Flower Ice Plant
- Dew Plant
- Diabolic Root
- Diffuse Stonecrop
- Dildo Cactus
- Dinner Plate Aeonium
- Dinner Plate Cactus
- Dinner Plate Plant
- Dinosaur Back Plant
- Disc Houseleek
- Divine Cactus
- Dog's Tongue
- Dog Tail
- Doily Crassula
- Dollar-joint Prickly Pear
- Dollar Plant
- Dollar Vine
- Dolomite Houseleek
- Dolphin Agave
- Dolphin Necklace
- Dolphin Plant
- Domino Cactus
- Donkey's Tail
- Donkey Ears
- Donkey Tail
- Donkey Tail Spurge
- Doringvygie
- Double Crown
- Double Cup
- Dragon's Blood Stonecrop
- Dragon Bones
- Dragon Bones Tree
- Dragon Flower
- Dragon Fruit
- Dragon Tree Agave
- Droog-my-keel
- Drooping Prickly Pear
- Drooping Tree Pear
- Drunkard's Dream
- Dry Whiskey
- Dumpling
- Dumpling Cactus
- Dumplings
- Dunce's Cap
- Dunce's Caps
- Dunce Cap
- Dune Aloe
- Dune Gasteria
- Dutchman's Pipe Cactus
- Dwala Aloe
- Dwarf Aeonium
- Dwarf Aloe
- Dwarf Bushcandle
- Dwarf Butterfly Agave
- Dwarf Butter Tree
- Dwarf Century Plant
- Dwarf Chin
- Dwarf Chin Cactus
- Dwarf Cory Cactus
- Dwarf Gasteria
- Dwarf Haemanthus
- Dwarf Hedgehog Agave
- Dwarf Hedgehog Aloe
- Dwarf Jade
- Dwarf Jade Plant
- Dwarf Lawyer's Tongue
- Dwarf Rubber
- Dwarf Sansevieria
- Dwarf Tree Stonecrop
- Dwarf Turk's Cap Cactus
- Dwarf Variegated Butterfly Agave
- Dwarf Velvet Elephant Ear
- Dwarf Yellow Grass Aloe
- Dyer's Ice Plant
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- Eagle's Claw
- Eagle's Claw Cactus
- Eagle-claw Cactus
- Earth Star
- East African Wild Sisal
- Easter Cactus
- Easter Lily Cactus
- Eastern Astroloba
- Eastern Buttons
- Eastern Prickly Pear
- Echinopsis Hybrid
- Edible Stemmed Vine
- Elands Sourfig
- Elegant Crassula
- Elegant Duvalia
- Elephant's Ear Kalanchoe
- Elephant's Food
- Elephant's Foot
- Elephant's Foot Plant
- Elephant's Foot Tree
- Elephant's Trunk
- Elephant Bush
- Elephant Cactus
- Elephant Tree
- Elephant Vine
- Eleven O'Clock
- El Hierro Giant Houseleek
- Elkhorn
- Elkhorn Plant
- El Paso Prickly Pear
- Emerald Ripple Peperomia
- Emerald Ripple Pepper
- Emory's Barrel Cactus
- Emory Barrel
- Emperor Hoya
- Engelmann's Pricklypear
- Epicactus
- Erect Prickly Pear
- ET's Fingers
- Eternity Plant
- Euphorbia loricata
- Euphorbia of the Ancients
- Euphorbium
- European Searocket
- Eve's Needle
- Eve's Needle Cactus
- Eve's Pin Cactus
- Evergreen Orpine
- Eye Leaves
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- Fairies Washboard
- Fairy Castle Cactus
- Fairy Crassula
- Fairy Elephant's Feet
- Fairy Tale Plant
- Fairy Tongue
- Fairy Washboard
- Fairy Wings
- False Agave
- False Cactus
- False Christmas Cactus
- False Cow Horn
- False Globose Euphorbia
- False Globose Spurge
- False Hens and Chickens
- False Nasturtium
- False Peyote
- False Saguaro Cactus
- False Sea Onion
- False Stonecrop
- Fame Flower
- Fameflower
- Fan Aloe
- Fat Boy
- Feather Cactus
- Fei Cai
- Felt Bush
- Felt Plant
- Fence Aloe
- Fence Post Cactus
- Fernleaf Cactus
- Fern Leaf Orchid Cactus
- Ferocious Pulque Agave
- Fiddle Flower
- Fig Marigold
- File-leafed Haworthia
- Filigree Sierra Mixteca Agave
- Finger-and-thumb Plant
- Finger Aloe
- Finger Cactus
- Finger Euphorbia
- Finger Fig
- Finger Jade
- Finger Mound
- Finger Plant
- Finger Tree
- Fireball
- Fireball Lily
- Fire Barrel
- Fire Barrel Cactus
- Firebird Aloe
- Firecracker
- Firecracker Echeveria
- Firecracker Plant
- Fire on the Mountain
- Fire Plant
- Fire Stick Plant
- Firestick Plants
- Fire Sticks
- First Aid Plant
- Fir Tree Kalanchoe
- Fish-scale Sedum
- Fish Bone Cactus
- Fishbone Cactus
- Fishbone Orchid Cactus
- Fishhook Barrel Cactus
- Fish Hook Cactus
- Fishhook Cactus
- Fishhook Pincushion Cactus
- Fishhooks
- Fishhook Senecio
- Fish Skin Euphorbia
- Fisiulera
- Five-stamen Graptopetalum
- Flame Crown
- Flame of Jamaica
- Flaming Katie
- Flaming Katy
- Flapjack
- Flapjack Prickly Pear
- Flapjacks
- Flat-flowered Aloe
- Flat-leaved African Hyacinth
- Flat-leaved Senecio
- Flat-Topped Aeonium
- Flat Cream Pincushion
- Fleshy Spurge
- Floating Crassula
- Floating Pigmyweed
- Floppers
- Florida Semaphore Cactus
- Florist Kalanchoe
- Floss Silk Tree
- Flower Dust Plant
- Flowering Ivy
- Flower of Prayer
- Fly Bush
- Flying Dolphins
- Foetid Dorstenia
- Football Lily
- Forster's Stonecrop
- Fountain Flower
- Fox Tail
- Fox Tail Agave
- Fragrant Crassula
- Frangipani
- Freeway Ice Plant
- French Thyme
- Friendship Tree
- Frilled Fan
- Frill Stonecrop
- Fringe-leaved Aloe
- Frizzle Sizzle Plants
- Frog's Stomach
- Frosted Candelabrum Agave
- Frosty Morn Stonecrop
- Fuet
- Fung Wax Flower
- Furry Kittens
- Fynbos Aloe
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- Garden Orpine
- Garden Senecio
- Garden Stonecrop
- Gariep Aloe
- Gariep River Aloe
- German Empress
- Gerold's Spurge
- Ghost Aloe
- Ghost Echeveria
- Ghost Plant
- Ghost Star Cactus
- Giant Agave
- Giant Balsam
- Giant Baobab
- Giant Barrel Cactus
- Giant Cabuya
- Giant Cactus
- Giant Ceropegia
- Giant Chalk Dudleya
- Giant Chin Cactus
- Giant Claret Cup Cactus
- Giant Club Cactus
- Giant Crassula
- Giant Donkey Tail
- Giant Empress
- Giant False Agave
- Giant Gasteria
- Giant Hens and Chicks
- Giant Hesperaloe
- Giant Houseleek
- Giant Impatiens
- Giant Jewel Plant
- Giant Jewel Succulent
- Giant Kalanchoe
- Giant Lily
- Giant Mezcal Agave
- Giant Pigface
- Giant Prickly Pear Cactus
- Giant Red Aeonium
- Giant Toad Plant
- Giant Tree Aloe
- Giant Tree Cholla
- Giant Velvet Rose
- Giant Viznaga
- Giant Watch Chain
- Giant Yucca
- Giant Zulu
- Gilded Candelabra
- Gingham
- Glandular-flowered Stapelia
- Glandular Stapelia
- Glassrim Haworthia
- Glasswort
- Glaucous Barrel Cactus
- Glaucous Echeveria
- Globe Agave
- Globose Euphorbia
- Globose Spurge
- Glory of Texas
- Goat's Horn
- Goat's Horn Cactus
- Goethe Plant
- Gold-spine Hedgehog Cactus
- Gold-striped Stonecrop
- Golden-Bristle
- Golden-Bristle Cactus
- Golden-Spine Barrel Cactus
- Golden-spined Saguaro
- Golden Ball
- Golden Ball Cactus
- Golden Barrel
- Golden Barrel Cactus
- Golden Bird's Nest Sansevieria
- Golden Carpet Stonecrop
- Golden Cob
- Golden Column
- Golden Constellation
- Golden Easter Lily Cactus
- Golden Flowered Agave
- Golden Flowered Century Plant
- Golden Hahnii
- Golden Heart Epiphyllum
- Golden Hens and Chicks
- Golden Jade Tree
- Golden Japanese Stonecrop
- Golden Living Stones
- Golden Powder Puff
- Golden Purslane
- Golden Rainbow Hedgehog
- Golden Rat Tail
- Golden Root
- Golden Russian Stonecrop
- Golden Saguaro
- Golden Sedum
- Golden Spine Hedgehog
- Golden Spurge
- Golden Stars
- Golden Tom Thumb
- Golden Tooth Aloe
- Golden Toothed Aloe
- Golden Torch
- Golden Tree
- Gold Lace Cactus
- Gold Moss
- Gold Moss Sedum
- Goldmoss Sedum
- Gold Moss Stonecrop
- Goldmoss Stonecrop
- Gold Nugget Ice Plant
- Gold Tooth Aloe
- Gold Twist Sansevieria
- Golf's Ball Cactus
- Golf Ball
- Golf Ball Cactus
- Gollum Jade
- Gomera Dwarf Aeonium
- Good Luck Leaf
- Good Luck Plant
- Gooseneck Succulent
- Gopher Spurge
- Gorgon's Head
- Gossip Spurflower
- Gout Plant
- Gout Stick
- Gouty Balsam
- Gouty Houseleek
- Goutystalk Nettlespurge
- Grandfather's Watch Chain
- Grandidier's Baobab
- Grand Stonecrop
- Grand Tonguefig
- Grape Leaf
- Graskop Aloe
- Grass Aloe
- Graveyard Moss
- Gray Agave
- Gray Century Plant
- Gray Ghost Organ Pipe
- Gray Sedum
- Gray Stonecrop
- Great Desert Spoon
- Greater Dumpling
- Greathead's Spotted Leaf Aloe
- Great Karoo Ox-tongue
- Green-flowered Aloe
- Green-flowered Pitaya
- Green-flowered Torch Cactus
- Green-flower Hedgehog Cactus
- Green-flower Pitaya
- Green-flower Torch Cactus
- Green-Stem Viznaga
- Green African Milk Bush
- Green Aloe
- Green Apple Snap
- Green Ball Cactus
- Green Cockscomb
- Green Coral
- Green Crown
- Green Duncecap
- Greene's Dudleya
- Greene's Liveforever
- Green Goddess
- Green Hedgehog
- Green Liveforever
- Green Pig's Ear
- Green Pinwheel
- Green Pitaya
- Green Ripple Peperomia
- Green Rose Buds
- Green Sotol
- Green Stonecrop
- Green Stone Plant
- Green Strawberry
- Green Strawberry Hedgehog
- Grendelion
- Grey Aloe
- Grey Desert Spoon
- Grizzly-bear Prickly Pear
- Groovy Butterbush
- Guadalajara Agave
- Guatemalan Rhubarb
- Guatemala Rhubarb
- Gypsiferous
- Gypsum Century Plant
- more »« less
- Haemanthus-leaf Aloe
- Hahn's Sansevieria
- Hair-spine Cactus
- Hairy-Fruited Wickerware Cactus
- Hairy Coleus
- Hairy Crassula
- Hairy Cushion Crassula
- Hairy Nipple Vygie
- Hairy Pigweed
- Hairy Portulaca
- Hairy Prickly Pear
- Hairy Spurflower
- Hairy Stapelia
- Hairy Stemmed Rhipsalis
- Hairy Stonecrop
- Hairy Wandering Jew
- Haleakala Silversword
- Hana Misteria Portulaca
- Hanging Chain Cholla
- Hankey Dwarf Aloe
- Happy Bean
- Happy Plant
- Hardy Aloe
- Hardy Century Plant
- Hardy Ice Plant
- Hardy Living Stone
- Hardy Purple Ice Plant
- Hardy Yellow Ice Plant
- Hare's Food
- Harping Johnny
- Hatchet Cactus
- Hatchet Plant
- Hat Rack Cactus
- Hawai'i Silversword
- Hawaiian Silversword
- Haworth's Aeonium
- Haworthia-leaved Aloe
- Healing Blade
- Heart-leaved Crassula
- Heart-shaped Hoya
- Heart Leaf
- Heartleaf Ice Plant
- Heartleaf Iceplant
- Hearts-on-a-String
- Hearts Entangled
- Heart Vine
- Hedge Cactus
- Hedge Euphorbia
- Hedgehog Agave
- Hedgehog Aloe
- Hedgehog Cactus
- Hedgehog Century Plant
- Hedgehog Stonecrop
- Helicopter Plant
- Hemp Plant
- Hen and Chickens
- Hen and Chicks
- Henequen
- Henequen Agave
- Hens and Chicks
- Herb of Friendship
- Hercules Club
- Hexagon Stonecrop
- Heyder's Nipple Cactus
- Heyder's Pincushion
- Heyder's Pincushion Cactus
- Hibotan
- High Chaparral
- High Haworthia
- Highway Ice Plant
- Hildmann's Cereus
- Hindu Rope
- Hindu Rope Plant
- Hitchhiker
- Hobbit's Pipe Jade
- Hobbit Jade
- Hobbit Jade Plant
- Hohokam Agave
- Holiday Cactus
- Hollyhock-leaved Pelargonium
- Holycross Button
- Holy Milk Hedge
- Homewort
- Honey Bunny
- Honey Plant
- Honolulu Queen
- Hook Butterbush
- Hooker's Orchid Cactus
- Horny Wonder
- Horombe Clubfoot
- Horrid Hardy Century Plant
- Horse's Tail
- Horse's Teeth
- Horse Crippler
- Horse Fig
- Horse Maimer
- Hot Dog Cactus
- Hottentot's Buttocks
- Hottentot Bread
- Hottentot Fig
- Hottentots' Bread
- Houghton's Hybrid
- Houseleek
- Houseleek of the Dolomites
- Houseleek Tree
- Hoya Aloha
- Huachuca Agave
- Huachuma
- Huis River Pig's Ear
- Hummingbird Yucca
- Hunyani Range Aloe
- Hurricane Cactus
- Hybrid Epiphyllum
- Hybrid Stonecrop
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- Ice Plant
- Ice Sculpture Kalanchoe
- Imbroke
- Impala Lily
- Imperial Hoya
- Imperial Wax Flower
- Inch Plant
- Inch Worm
- Inchworm Plant
- Indian Aloe
- Indian Borage
- Indian Caralluma
- Indian Corn Cob
- Indian Dope
- Indian Fig
- Indian Fig Opuntia
- Indian Frerea
- Indian Head Cactus
- Indian Mint
- Indian Rope
- Indian Spurge Tree
- Indian Tree Spurge
- Insipid Stonecrop
- Ipecacuahana
- Irish Rose
- Isla Carmen Pincushion Cactus
- Ivory-spined Agave
- Ivy-leaf Peperomia
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- Jabily
- Jackal's Food
- Jackal's Tail Aloe
- Jacob's Ladder
- Jacob's Staff
- Jacob Cactus
- Jade Necklace
- Jade Necklace Plant
- Jade Necklace Vine
- Jade Plant
- Jade Tree
- Jaffarabad Aloe
- Jamaican Poinsettia
- Japanese Poinsettia
- Japanese Rubber
- Japanese Sedum
- Japanese Stonecrop
- Jelly Bean
- Jelly Bean Plant
- Jelly Beans
- Jenny's Stonecrop
- Jersey Pigmyweed
- Jet Beads Stonecrop
- Jew's Slipper
- Jewbush
- Jewel-leaf Plant
- Jeweled Aloe
- Jeweled Crown
- Jewel Plant
- Jewels of Opar
- Jewel Weed
- Job's Beard
- Joshua Tree
- Jove's Beard
- Jumping Cholla
- Jungle Cactus
- Jupiter's Beard
- Jupiter's Eye
- Jurassic Kale
- more »« less
- Ka'u Silversword
- Kalahari Cactus
- Kalanchoe rosei
- Kalanchoe Stonecrop
- Kamschatca Sedum
- Kamschatca Stonecrop
- Kangaroo Pocket
- Kangaroo Pouch
- Kangaroo Rose
- Karasberg Coral Aloe
- Karas Mountains Living Stone
- Karoo Aloe
- Karoo Rose
- Katherine-wheel
- Kebab Bush
- Keeled Gasteria
- Keeled Ox Tongue
- Keg Cactus
- Ken Aslet Bonsai Crassula
- Kenya Dragon Flower
- Kenya Hyacinth
- Kenyan Dragon Flower
- Kern Beavertail Pricklypear
- Key Lime Pie
- Khaki Button
- King's Crown
- Kiss Me Quick
- Kitten Ears
- Kiwi Aeonium
- Klipblom
- Knobby Tiger Jaws
- Knoppies Beestong
- Knoppies Gasteria
- Knowlton's Cactus
- Knowlton's Miniature Cactus
- Knowlton's Minute Cactus
- Knowlton's Pincushion Cactus
- Knysna Crassula
- Kokerboom
- Komaggas Aloe
- Komaggas Coral Aloe
- Kommadagga Crassula
- Koudeberg Aloe
- Kouga Aloe
- Kouga Gasteria
- Kraal Aloe
- Krantz Aloe
- Krinkle Kurl
- Kudu Lily
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- Labwor Hills Aloe
- Lace Aloe
- Lace Cactus
- Lace Leaf Kalanchoe
- Lady's Slippers
- Lady-finger Hedgehog Cactus
- Lady Finger Cactus
- Ladyfinger Cactus
- Lady Fingers
- Lady of the Night
- Lady of the Night Cactus
- Lamb's Tail
- Lance-leaved Dudleya
- Lance-leaved Stonecrop
- Lanceleaf Liveforever
- Lanceleaf Stonecrop
- Lantern Flower
- Large-flowered Kalanchoe
- Large-Flower Prickly Pear
- Large-toothed Euphorbia
- Large Barrel Cactus
- Large Fringed Stonecrop
- Largetooth Euphorbia
- Large Whipcord
- Lava Cactus
- Lavender Pebbles
- Lavender Scallops
- Lavender Steps
- Lawyer's Tongue
- Lawyer's Tongue
- Leaf Cactus
- Leafed Euphorbia
- Leafless Spurge
- Leaf of Life
- Leafy Pine Cone
- Least Cory Cactus
- Least Stonecrop
- Leather Button
- Leather Petals
- Leather Plant
- Lebombo Euphorbia
- Lechuguilla
- Lefse Plant
- Leiberg's Stonecrop
- Leiberg Stonecrop
- Lemonade Tree
- Lemon Ball
- Lemon Ball Cactus
- Leslie's Living Stone
- Lesser Dumpling
- Lety's Sedeveria
- Life-everlasting
- Life Plant
- Lifesaver Cactus
- Lifesaver Plant
- Limelight Stonecrop
- Lime Zinger Stonecrop
- Linear Stonecrop Herb
- Linkleaf
- Lion's Tail
- Lipstick Echeveria
- Little Bird Plant
- Little Candles
- Little Fantasy Peperpmia
- Little Hogweed
- Little Jewel
- Little Joshua tree
- Little Light Bulbs
- Little Mouse
- Little Nipple Cactus
- Little Owl
- Little Owl Eyes
- Little Peyote
- Little Pickles
- Little Red Riding Hood Aloe
- Live-forever
- Live-forever Stonecrop
- Live Forever
- Liveforever
- Livelong
- Living Baseball
- Living Pebble
- Living Pebbles
- Living Rock
- Living Rock Cactus
- Living Rocks
- Living Stone
- Living Stone Cactus
- Livingstone Daisy
- Living Stone Plant
- Living Stones
- Lizard's Tail
- Lizard Plant
- Lizard Skin
- Lizard Skin Crassula
- Lizard Tail
- Lobster Bush
- Lobster Claws
- Lobster Flower
- Local Living Stone
- London Pride
- Long-flower Kalanchoe
- Long-Spined Barrel Cactus
- Long-spined Prickly Pear
- Long-spined Purplish Prickly Pear
- Long-spine Prickly Pear
- Longmamma Nipple Cactus
- Long Nipple Cactus
- Long Spine Cactus
- Longspine Nipple Cactus
- Lord's Candlestick
- Love-restoring Stonecrop
- Love and Tangle
- Love and Tangles
- Love Restorer
- Low Lily
- Low Prickly Pear
- Lowveld Euphorbia
- Lowveld Naboom
- Luanda Tree Aloe
- Lucky Crown Century Plant
- Lucky Hearts
- Lucky Plant
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- Madagascan Ocotillo
- Madagascar Ocotillo
- Madagascar Palm
- Madagascar Widow's Thrill
- Madeira Vine
- Magic Carpet
- Maguey
- Maguey Chato
- Magueyito
- Majestic Agave
- Malabar Spinach
- Malayan Spurge
- Malayan Spurge Tree
- Maltese Cross
- Manfreda Agave
- Manila Maguey
- Many-flowered Hoya
- Many Fingers
- Marble Buttons
- Marble Canyon Cactus
- Marbled Agave
- Marble Leaf Agave
- Marnier's Kalanchoe
- Maroon Cup Starfish
- Marsh Samphire
- Martian Heads
- Martian Heads Aeonium
- Martin's Blunt-spine Prickly Pear
- Martin's Spurge
- Mason's Congo
- Maternity Plant
- Mat Humpfig
- Matted Caputia
- Maughan's Haworthia
- Mauna Kea Silversword
- Mauna Loa Silversword
- Mauritian Hemp
- Mauritius Hemp
- Mealy Kalanchoe
- Medicinal Aloe
- Medicine Plant
- Mediterranean Aloe
- Mediterranean Spurge
- Medusa's Head
- Medusa Head
- Melon Spurge
- Mescal
- Mescal Agave
- Mescal Button
- Mescal Buttons
- Metallic Echeveria
- Mexcalmetl
- Mexican Agave
- Mexican Chain Plant
- Mexican Claret Cup Cactus
- Mexican Easter Flower
- Mexican False Yucca
- Mexican Fence Post Cactus
- Mexican Fire Barrel
- Mexican Fire Barrel Cactus
- Mexican Firecracker
- Mexican Flameleaf
- Mexican Fruit Cactus
- Mexican Gem
- Mexican Giant Cardon
- Mexican Grass Tree
- Mexican Hat Plant
- Mexican Hens
- Mexican Hens and Chicks
- Mexican Hens Echeveria
- Mexican Lime Cactus
- Mexican Love Plant
- Mexican Mint
- Mexican Night-bloom Cereus
- Mexican Night-blooming Cereus
- Mexican Organ Pipe Cactus
- Mexican Peacock Echeveria
- Mexican Pincushion
- Mexican Pincushion Cactus
- Mexican Rose
- Mexican Sedum
- Mexican Shrubby Spurge
- Mexican Sisal
- Mexican Snow Ball
- Mexican Snowball
- Mexican Soap Plant
- Mexican Stonecrop
- Middendorff's Stonecrop
- Midstripe Rainbow Bush
- Midsummer Men
- Mignonette Vine
- Mile-a-Minute
- Milk Bush
- Milk Hedge
- Milk Spurge
- Milky Widow's Thrill
- Million Hearts
- Millot Kalanchoe
- Mimicry Plant
- Mimicry Plants
- Miniature Agave
- Miniature Aloe
- Miniature Barrel Cactus
- Miniature Crassula
- Miniature Desert Rose
- Miniature Jade
- Miniature Joshua Tree
- Miniature Pine Tree
- Miniature Saguaro
- Mini Buttons
- Mini Desert Rose
- Mini Starfish Flower
- Mint Chocolate Chip Manfreda
- Miracle Leaf
- Miracle Plant
- Mirror Grass
- Missionary Plant
- Mission Cactus
- Mission Prickly Pear
- Missouri Foxtail Cactus
- Mistletoe Cactus
- Miter Cactus
- Mitis Agave
- Mitis Century Plant
- Mitre Aloe
- Mock Azalea
- Mojave Mound Cactus
- Molded Wax
- Molded Wax Agave
- Molded Wax Plant
- Money Plant
- Money Tree
- Monk's Hood
- Monk's Hood Cactus
- Monkey's Tail
- Monkey-bread Tree
- Monsoon Lily
- Monstrose Apple Cactus
- Monstrous Whisker Cactus
- Moon Cactus
- Moonlight Cactus
- Moonshine Agave
- Moonstones
- Mopane Aloe
- Morgan's Beauty
- Moroccan Ground Spurge
- Moroccan Mound
- Moroccan Mound Spurge
- Mosaic Aloe
- Moses-in-a-basket
- Moses-in-the-cradle
- Mosquito Bush
- Mosquito Flower
- Moss Pygmyweed
- Moss Rose
- Moss Rose Purslane
- Mossy Sedum
- Mossy Stonecrop
- Mother-in-Law's-Cushion
- Mother-in-Law's-Seat
- Mother-in-Law's Nose
- Mother-in-Law's Tongue
- Mother of Hundreds
- Mother of Millions
- Mother of Millions Hybrid
- Mother of Pearl Plant
- Mother of Thousands
- Mother of Thousands 'Houghtonii'
- Mottled Spurge
- Mottled Tuberose
- Mound Lily
- Mound Lily Yucca
- Mountain Agave
- Mountain Aloe
- Mountain Bush Aloe
- Mountain Cabbage Tree
- Mountain Fire
- Mountain Houseleek
- Mountain Milk-bush
- Mountain Puya
- Mountain Rose
- Mount Zembe Aloe
- Mouse Head
- Mouse Head Mesemb
- Mouse Tail Cactus
- Mouse Trap Tree
- Mozambique Tree Aloe
- Mt. Elgon Aloe
- Munchkin Dudleya
- Munchkin Liveforever
- Murphey's Century Plant
- Murphey Agave
- Mushroom Opuntia
- Mustache Aloe
- Myrtle-Leaved Spurge
- Myrtle Euphorbia
- Myrtle Spurge
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- Naked-stalked Crassula
- Naked Lady
- Naked Pork Butterbush
- Namaqua Century Plant
- Namaqua Crassula
- Namaqua Gasteria
- Namaqua Orbea
- Namibian Grape
- Napoleon's Hat
- Narrow-angled Cereus
- Narrow-Leaf Chalk Sticks
- Narrow-Leaved Century Plant
- Narrow-leaved Haworthia
- Narrow-leaved Sedum
- Natal Ivy
- Navajo Bridge Prickly Pear
- Near-white Starfish
- Necklacelike Pricklypear
- Necklace Plant
- Necklace Vine
- Needle-leaf Agave
- Needle Agave
- Needle Palm
- Needle Stonecrop
- Nellie's Pincushion Cactus
- Nellie Cory Cactus
- Nevada Agave
- Nevius' Stonecrop
- New Aloe
- New Mexico Agave
- New Mexico Century Plant
- New Mexico False Yucca
- New Old Man Cactus
- New Zealand Pigmyweed
- New Zealand Spinach
- Night-blooming Cactus
- Night-blooming Cereus
- Night-Blooming Hedge-Hogs
- Night-blooming Hedgehog
- Nipple Cactus
- Nizanda Agave
- Noble Aeonium
- Noble Aloe
- Nopal Cactus
- North Coast Dudleya
- Northern Sharkskin Agave
- Nosegay
- Nylon Hedgehog Cactus
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- Ocahui Century Plant
- Ocahui Hardy Century Plant
- Ocotillo
- October Daphne
- October Daphne Stonecrop
- October Plant
- October Stonecrop
- Octopus Agave
- Octopus Arms
- Octopus Cabbage Tree
- Octopus Plant
- Oddity Hens and Chicks
- Oddity Houseleek
- Ogon Sedum
- Old Father Live Forever
- Old Hens and Chicks
- Old Lady Cactus
- Old Lady of Mexico
- Old Lady Pincushion
- Old Man's Bones Stonecrop
- Old Man's Whiskers
- Old Man and Woman
- Old Man Cactus
- Oldman Humpfig
- Old Man of Mexico
- Old Man of the Andes
- Old Man of the Mountain
- Old Man Opuntia
- Old Woman Cactus
- Oleander Spurge
- Olive-green Living Stone
- Onion-like Haworthia
- Ora-Pro-Nobis
- Orange Bush Ice Plants
- Orange Crown Cactus
- Orange Ice Plant
- Orange Matucana
- Orange River Aloe
- Orange Sheepfig
- Orange Snowball
- Orange Stonecrop
- Orchid Cactus
- Oregon Stonecrop
- Organo
- Organ Pipe
- Organ Pipe Cactus
- Organ Pipe Jade Plant
- Ornamental Penis Plant
- Orphan John
- Orpin Aizoon
- Orpine
- Orpine Stonecrop
- Orpin Rose
- Ostrich Neck
- Oukoe Butterbush
- Our Father
- Outeniqua Haworthia
- Oval-leaved Agave
- Oval Leaf Peperomia
- Owl Eyes
- Owl Eyes Cactus
- Oxtongue Lily
- Oyster Plant
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- Pacific Stonecrop
- Paddle Kalanchoe
- Paddle Leaf
- Paddle Plant
- Pad Haworthia
- Padus-Leaved Clipper Plant
- Pagoda Mini Jade
- Pagoda Plant
- Pagoda Village
- Paint Brush
- Paintbrush Flower
- Painted Echeveria
- Painted Lady
- Painted Leaf
- Pale Dewplant
- Pale Mammillaria
- Palm-leaf False Shamrock
- Palm Beach Bells
- Palm Beachbells
- Palmer's Agave
- Palmer's Century Plant
- Palmer's Sedum
- Palmer's Stonecrop
- Palm Lily
- Palm Tree Yucca
- Panama Nopal
- Pancake Pincushion
- Pancake Plant
- Pancake Prickly Pear
- Panda Bear Plant
- Panda Plant
- Pangane Hemp
- Pangane Sansevieria
- Panhandle Prickly Pear
- Paper Spine Cactus
- Paper Spined Cholla
- Parachute Flower
- Parachute Plant
- Parasol Flower
- Parrasana Agave
- Parry's Agave
- Parry's Century Plant
- Parry's Huachuca Agave
- Partridge-breasted Aloe
- Partridge Breast Aloe
- Pasacana Tree Cactus
- Pasakana
- Paterson Sheepfig
- Peacock Echeveria
- Peanut Cactus
- Pearl Aloe
- Pearl Echeveria
- Pearl Plant
- Pearly Moonstones
- Pearson's Aloe
- Pebbled Tiger Jaws
- Pebble Plant
- Pegasus Orchid Cactus
- Pegleg Butterbush
- Pegleg Oukoe Butterbush
- Pemba Aloe
- Pemba Island Aloe
- Pencil Bush
- Pencil Cactus
- Pencil Cholla
- Pencil Euphorbia
- Pencil Milkbush
- Pencil Tree
- Pendent Flowered Kalanchoe
- Pendulous Yucca
- Peninsula Rambling Aloe
- Penis Cactus
- Penis Plant
- Penwiper
- Penwiper Plant
- Pepper Face
- Pepper Face Plant
- Peppermint Aloe
- Peregrina
- Perote Agave
- Perote Wicked Agave
- Persian Carpet Flower
- Peruvian Apple
- Peruvian Apple Cactus
- Peruvian Old Lady
- Peruvian Old Man
- Peruvian Old Man Cactus
- Peruvian Snowball Cactus
- Peruvian Tree Cactus
- Pest Prickly Pear
- Petroleum Plant
- Peyote
- Peyotillo
- Pickle Plant
- Pies from Heaven
- Pig's Ear
- Pig's Ears
- Pigface
- Pigweed
- Pillow Plant
- Pincushion Cactus
- Pincushion Euphorbia
- Pincushion Flower
- Pincushion Peperomia
- Pineapple Cactus
- Pineapple Dyckia
- Pine Cone Cactus
- Pinecone Cactus
- Pine Cone Euphorbia
- Pine Cone Plant
- Ping Pong Ball Cactus
- Pink Baby's Breath
- Pink Beauty Jade Plant
- Pink Carpet
- Pink Comb Cactus
- Pink Easter Lily Cactus
- Pink Iceplant
- Pink Jade Plant
- Pink Jelly Bean
- Pink Joy
- Pink Mongolian Stonecrop
- Pink Mother of Thousands
- Pink Pincushion Cactus
- Pink Purslane
- Pink Star Cactus
- Pink Stonecrop
- Pinwheel
- Pinwheel Aeonium
- Pinwheel Desert Rose
- Pitaya
- Pitayita
- Pitted Crassula
- Pittoni Houseleek
- Plaid Cactus
- Plains Nipple Cactus
- Plains Prickly Pear
- Plateau Cholla
- Pleated Cereus
- Plover Eggs Plant
- Plum Purdy Aeonium
- Plush Plant
- Poinsettia
- Poison Root
- Polka Dot Cactus
- Polka Dots
- Pond Lily Cactus
- Pondo Cliff Crassula
- Pondoland Crassula
- Ponytail Palm
- Poor Jan's Leaf
- Poor Man's Lavender
- Poplar-leaved Stonecrop
- Popov Island Stonecrop
- Porcelain Flower
- Porcelain Plant
- Porcupine Huernia
- Porcupine Root
- Pork and Beans
- Porkbush
- Portulaca Weed
- Potato Butterbush
- Powder Aloe
- Powdered Jewel Plant
- Powder Puff Cactus
- Powderpuff Lily
- Powder Puff Pincushion
- Powderpuff Pincushion Cactus
- Powdery Dudleya
- Powdery Liveforever
- Prayer Pepper
- Pregnant Onion
- Prickly Aloe
- Prickly Pear
- Prickly Pear Cactus
- Prick Madam
- Pride of Barbados
- Primrose Huernia
- Prince Albert Vygie
- Princess Necklace
- Princess of the Night
- Princess Pine
- Prism Cactus
- Prolific Echeveria
- Propeller Plant
- Prostrate Hedgehog
- Prostrate Hedgehog Cactus
- Pulido's Echeveria
- Pulque Agave
- Purging Nut
- Purgingnut
- Purple-tinged Prickly Pear
- Purple Aeonium
- Purple Ball Cactus
- Purple Broadleaf Stonecrop
- Purple Candle Cactus
- Purple Carpet
- Purple Crassula
- Purple Dragon Fruit
- Purple Globe Agave
- Purple Heart
- Purple Ice Plant
- Purple Needle Leaf Agave
- Purple Pitaya
- Purple Prickly Pear
- Purple Queen
- Purple Rose
- Purple Rose Tree
- Purple Spiderwort
- Purple Spoon-leaved Stonecrop
- Purple Stonecrop
- Purple Vine of Evil
- Purple Wandering Jew
- Purpureum Stonecrop
- Purslane
- Pursley
- Pussy Ears
- Pussy Foot
- Pygmy Butterbush
- Pygmy Matfig
- Pygmy Porkbush
- Pyramid Crassula
- Python Creeper
- Python Kambro
- Python Vine
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- Rabbit's Cabbage
- Rabbit's Food
- Rainbow Bush
- Rainbow Cactus
- Rainbow Hedgehog Cactus
- Rainbow Kalanchoe
- Rainbow Pincushion
- Raindrops Echeveria
- Rancho Tambor Agave
- Rat's Tail Cactus
- Rat Aloe
- Rat Tail
- Rat Tail Cactus
- Rattail Cactus
- Rattail Cholla
- Rattail Crassula
- Rattlesnake Agave
- Rattlesnake Buttons
- Rattlesnake Crassula
- Rattlesnake Tail
- Red-fleshed Pitaya
- Red-flowered Astroloba
- Red-flowered Hardy Agave
- Red-flower Hesperaloe
- Red-flower Yucca
- Red-stem Crassula
- Red Aeonium
- Red Aloe
- Red Aptenia
- Redbird Cactus
- Redbird Flower
- Red Bunny Ears
- Red Bush Ice Plant
- Red Cap Cactus
- Red Carpet
- Red Carpet Crassula
- Red Chalk Stonecrop
- Red Cobweb Houseleek
- Red Crassula
- Reddish-purple Prickly Pear
- Red Dragon
- Red Dragon Flower
- Red Easter Lily Cactus
- Red Echeveria
- Red Edge Echeveria
- Redflower False Yucca
- Red Frangipani
- Red Hedgehog Agave
- Red Hibotan
- Red Hot Poker Aloe
- Red Ice Plant
- Red Jasmine
- Red Leaf
- Red Mistletoe Cactus
- Red Monadenium
- Red Needle Agave
- Red Orchid Cactus
- Red Pagoda
- Red Pancakes
- Red Paucipan
- Red Pencil Tree
- Red Pitaya
- Red Rhipsalis
- Red Root
- Red Sandfig
- Red Slipper Spurge
- Red Spider Web Hens and Chicks
- Red Spike Ice Plant
- Red Spurge
- Red Stonecrop
- Red Torch
- Red Torch Cactus
- Red Wax Plant
- Red Yucca
- Reflexed Stonecrop
- Reindeer Antlers
- Resin Spurge
- Revolute-flowered Tromotriche
- Rhinoceros Cactus
- Ribbed Butterbush
- Rice Cactus
- Rick Rack Cactus
- Ric Rac Orchid Cactus
- Ring Plant
- Ripple Jade
- River Euphorbia
- Road Kill Cactus
- Robertson Astroloba
- Robertson Vygie
- Rock Aloe
- Rock Crassula
- Rocket Aloe
- Rock Live Forever
- Rock Mesemb
- Rock Pine
- Rock Purslane
- Rock Rose
- Rock Samphire
- Rock Stonecrop
- Rodondo Creeper
- Rogers Crownfig
- Roggeveld Astroloba
- Rollers
- Rolling Hen and Chicks
- Roman Candle
- Roof Foil
- Roof Houseleek
- Rosary Plant
- Rosary Vine
- Rose-flowered Jatropha
- Rose-flowered Purslane
- Rose-flowered Stonecrop
- Rosea Ice Plant
- Rose Cactus
- Rose Easter Cactus
- Roseflower Stonecrop
- Rose Moss
- Rose Pincushion Cactus
- Rose Plaid Cactus
- Rose Purslane
- Roseroot
- Rosewort
- Rough Agave
- Rough Century Plant
- Rough Flowered Apicra
- Rough Leaved Agave
- Round-leafed Navel Wort
- Round-leaved Cotyledon
- Round-Leaved Crassula
- Roundish-jointed Spurge
- Round Leaf Peperomia
- Royal Agave
- Royal Cross
- Royal Cross Cactus
- Royal Dewflower
- Royal Tonguefig
- Royle's Spurge
- Rubber Euphorbia
- Rubber Hedge Euphorbia
- Rubber Hedge Plant
- Rubble Aloe
- Ruby Ball
- Ruby Glow
- Ruby Glow Peperomia
- Ruby Necklace
- Ruby Peperomia
- Ruby Rainbow
- Rugose Cup Starfish
- Russian Stonecrop
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- Sabi Star
- Sage of the Desert
- Saguaro
- Saguaro Cactus
- Sahuaro
- Saint Andrew's Cross
- Saint George's Sword
- Salad Bowl
- Sally-my-handsome
- Salmon-flowered Hedgehog
- Salt-dwelling Living Stone
- Samphire
- Sanaag Aloe
- Sand-coated Crassula
- Sand Aloe
- Sand Dollar Cactus
- Sand Dunes Agave
- Sanderson's Ceropegia
- San Diego Barrel Cactus
- Sand Lettuce
- Sand Rose
- Sandsteenvygie
- San Francisco River Leatherpetal
- San Pedro Cactus
- San Pedro Penis
- Santa Cruz Striped Agave
- Santa Rita Prickly Pear
- Sapphire Tower
- Saucer Plant
- Sauer Klee
- Sausage Daisy
- Sausage Plant
- Sausage Spurge
- Sausage Tree
- Savila
- Sawblade
- Saw Leaf Agave
- Scarlet-flowered Spurge
- Scarlet Beehive Cactus
- Scarlet Hedgehog Cactus
- Scarlet Kleinia
- Scarlet Paintbrush
- Scent Bottle
- Schmoo Plant
- Schott's Century Plant
- Scrambling Aloe
- Scrambling Groundsel
- Sea-cliff Stonecrop
- Sea-side Aloe
- Sea Asparagus
- Sea Cabbage
- Sea Fennel
- Sea Fig
- Sea Grape
- Sea Islands Yucca
- Sea Kale
- Sea Lettuce
- Sea Onion
- Sea Pickle
- Sea Rocket
- Seashore Purslane
- Seaside Delosperma
- Sea Spinach
- Sea Spurge
- Sea Star
- Sea Urchin
- Sea Urchin Cactus
- Sea Urchin Sedum
- Seleb Sansevieria
- Semaphore Pricklypear
- Sengreen
- Senita Cactus
- Serpent Cactus
- Serpent Ceropegia
- Seven Stars
- Shaggy Portulaca
- Shark's Fin
- Shark's Jaws
- Shark Beak
- Shark Jaws
- Sharkskin Agave
- Shark Tooth Agave
- Sharp-leaved Crassula
- Sharpleaf Lenophyllum
- Shattering Echeveria
- Shaving Brush
- Shaving Brush Plant
- Shaw's Agave
- Sheep's Tongue
- Shield Flower
- Shin Dagger
- Shoe Leather Kalanchoe
- Shooting Star Hoya
- Shore Stonecrop
- Short-leaved Aloe
- Short-leaved Stonecrop
- Showy Dewflower
- Showy Orpine
- Showy Stonecrop
- Shrubby Coral Pemphis
- Shrubby Ice Plant
- Siamese Lucky Plant
- Siberian Stonecrop
- Sickle-leaf Red Crassula
- Siebold's Sedum
- Siebold's Stonecrop
- Silken Pincushion
- Silken Pincushion Cactus
- Silk Floss Tree
- Silk Grass
- Silver Arrows
- Silver Ball Cactus
- Silver Beads
- Silverbell Cactus
- Silver Bracts
- Silver Cluster Cactus
- Silver Dollar
- Silver Dollar Cactus
- Silver Dollar Jade
- Silver Dollar Plant
- Silver Dollar Prickly Pear
- silver gem stonecrop
- Silver Inch Plant
- Silver Jade Plant
- Silver Jelly Beans
- Silver Pig's Ears
- Silver Ruffles
- Silver Senecio
- Silver Shamrock
- Silver Spoons
- Silver Spurge
- Silver Squill
- Silver Star
- Silver Star Agave
- Silver Stones
- Silver Teaspoons
- Silver Torch
- Silver Torch Cactus
- Similar Stapelia
- Sisal
- Sisal Agave
- Sisal Hemp
- Siskiyou Lewisia
- Six-angled Kalanchoe
- Six-angled Torch Thistle
- Six-sided Stonecrop
- Skirt Aloe
- Skyline Spear Sansevieria
- Skyscraper Senecio
- Sky Stone Crop
- Slangkambro
- Slender-leaved Agave
- Slender-stem Cactus
- Slender Candelabra Euphorbia
- Slime Lily
- Slimwood
- Slipper Flower
- Slipper Plant
- Slipper Spurge
- Small-flower Agave
- Small-flowered Agave
- Small-flowered Hedgehog Cactus
- Small-flower Hedgehog Cactus
- Small-leaved Mangrove
- Small-spined Cream Pincushion
- Small Barrel Cactus
- Smallflower Century Plant
- Small Jade
- Small Leaf Jade
- Smallspine Pitaya
- Small Starfish Flower
- Smelly Spur Flower
- Smith's Giant Houseleek
- Smoke on the Prairie
- Smoketree Spurge
- Smooth Agave
- Smooth Mountain Prickly Pear
- Smooth Prickly Pear
- Snake Aloe
- Snake Cactus
- Snake Creeper
- Snake Milkball
- Snake Plant
- Sneed's Cory Cactus
- Sneed's Cscobaria
- Sneed's Pincushion
- Sneed's Pincushion Cactus
- Snowball Cactus
- Snowball Old Man
- Snowball Pincushion
- Snowdrop Cactus
- Snowflake Aloe
- Snow on the Mountain
- Snow Pole
- Snow White Panda Plant
- Soap Aloe
- Socotran Desert Rose
- Socotran Fig Tree
- Soft-leaved Agave
- Soft-tip Yucca
- Soft Tipped Yucca
- Soft Tip Yucca
- Somalian Aloe
- Somaliland Bowstring Hemp
- Sonora Barrel
- Sonoran Jumping Cholla
- Sonoran Rainbow Cactus
- Sotol
- Sotre-Sotry
- Soup Mint
- Sour Fig
- South African Tree Aloe
- Southern California Dudleya
- Southwestern Barrel Cactus
- Spaghetti Cactus
- Spanish Bayonet
- Spanish Dagger
- Spanish Stonecrop
- Spanish Thyme
- Spathula-leaf Crassula
- Spatula-leaved Stonecrop
- Spear Head
- Spear Head Senecio
- Spearleaf Stonecrop
- Spear Orchid
- Spear Sansevieria
- Speckled Aloe
- Spekboom
- Spice Cactus
- Spice Lily
- Spicy Jatropha
- Spider Agave
- Spider Aloe
- Spider Cactus
- Spider Plant
- Spider Web Hens and Chicks
- Spineless Cactus
- Spineless Century Plant
- Spineless Jade Agave
- Spineless Yucca
- Spiny Aloe
- Spiny Barrel Cactus
- Spiny Dunce's Cap
- Spiny Green Blanket
- Spiny Hedge Cactus
- Spiny Hedgehog Cactus
- Spiny Nopal
- Spiny Pennywort
- Spiny Pincushion Cactus
- Spinystar
- Spinystar Cactus
- Spiny Tree Cactus
- Spiral-leaved Albuca
- Spiral Albuca
- Spiral Aloe
- Spiraled Cereus
- Spiral Grass
- Spirit Stone
- Split Rock
- Split Rocks
- Spoon-leaf Yucca
- Spoon Flower
- Spoon Yucca
- Spotted Adromischus
- Spotted Aloe
- Spotted Buttons
- Spotted Kalanchoe
- Spotted Medicinal Aloe
- Spreading Prickly Pear
- Spreading Stonecrop
- Springtime Crassula
- Sprout-leaf Plant
- Sprouting Leaf
- Spruce Cone Cactus
- Spruce Cone Cholla
- Square Cactus
- Square Milk Hedge
- Square Spurge
- Squid Agave
- St. Anthony's Rik-Rak
- Stacked Crassula
- Staghorn Coral
- Stalked Aeonium
- Stapelia Stemmed Senecio
- Stapelioid Kleinia
- Star Cactus
- Starfish Cactus
- Starfish Flower
- Starfish Plant
- Starfish Stapelia
- Star Flower
- Star Peyote
- Star Plant
- Star Rock
- Starry Stonecrop
- Star Sansevieria
- Star Sedum
- Starvation Prickly Pear
- Star Window Plant
- Stellate Stonecrop
- Stick Cactus
- Stick Euphorbia
- Stick Plant
- Sticks of Fire
- Sticks on Fire
- Sticky Corkscrew Lily
- Stiver Thicket
- Stolon Stonecrop
- Stone Aloe
- Stonecrop
- Stone Faces
- Stone Plant
- Stone Spurge
- St Patrick's Cabbage
- Strand Aloe
- Strap Cactus
- Strawberry Cactus
- Strawberry Hedgehog Cactus
- Strawberry Pear
- Strawberry Pear Cactus
- String of Bananas
- String of Beads
- String of Buttons
- String of Dolphins
- String of Fishhooks
- String of Hearts
- String of Lemons
- String of Nickels
- String of Pearls
- String of Peas
- String of Pillows
- String of Raindrops
- String of Rubies
- String of Stars
- String of Tears
- String of Turtles
- String of Watermelons
- Stringy Stonecrop
- Striped-stemmed Aloe
- Striped Inch Plant
- Striped Mother-in-law's Tongue
- Striped Sedum
- Striped Snake Plant
- Succulent Beans
- Succulent Bush Senecio
- Succulent Coleus
- Succulent Grape
- Succulent Philodendron
- Succulent Sesame
- Succulent Spoon Jade
- Succulent Swedish Ivy
- Sudan Aloe
- Sugaralmond Plant
- Sullu Spurge
- Sulphur Butterbush
- Summer Impala Lily
- Sun Cereus
- Sun Cup
- Sun Plant
- Sunrise Tequila Agave
- Sun Rose
- Sunset Aloe
- Sunspot Hardy Century Plant
- Super Burro's Tail
- Super Donkey Tail
- Suurberg Gasteria
- Suurberg Ox-tongue
- Suzanne's Spurge
- Swamp Stonecrop
- Swan's Neck
- Swan-neck Agave
- Swati Haworthia
- Swazi Lily
- Swedish Begonia
- Swedish Ivy
- Sweet-scented Crassula
- Sweetheart Hoya
- Sweetheart Plant
- Sweetheart Vine
- Sweet Noors
- Sweet Noor Succulent
- Sweet Prickly Pear
- Sweet Purple Cactus
- Sweet Smelling Sedum
- Swizzle Sticks
- Sword Aloe
- Sword Pear
- Sword Sansevieria
- Syrian Bean Caper
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- Tabia Gorge Dorstenia
- Table Mountain Aloe
- Tailor's Patch
- Tall Columnar Cactus
- Tall Lady's Slippers
- Tall Slipper Plant
- Tamaulipas Living Rock Cactus
- Tampico Fiber
- Tangled Hearts
- Tanqua Cattle Hoof
- Tanzanian Zipper Plant
- Tap Aloe
- Taper Vine
- Tapeworm Plant
- Tartogo
- Tasteless Stonecrop
- Tawny Head Living Stones
- Taylor's Parches
- Teddchysar Plant
- Teddy Bear
- Teddy Bear Cactus
- Teddy Bear Vine
- Temple Tree
- Teneriffe Houseleek
- Tequila Agave
- Tesajo Cactus
- Tesajo Cholla
- Tessellated Haworthia
- Tetragon
- Texas Barrel Cactus
- Texas Nipple Cactus
- Texas Rainbow
- Texas Rainbow Cactus
- Texas Rainbow Hedgehog
- Texas Sotol
- Texas Star Cactus
- Texas Tuberose
- Thanksgiving Cactus
- The More Sensual of Cacti
- The True "Vingerpol"
- Thick-leaved Stonecrop
- Thickleaf Aeonium
- Thick Leaf Stonecrop
- Thimble Cactus
- Thimble Flower
- Thimble Mammillaria
- Thompson's Yucca
- Thorn-crested Agave
- Thorn-crested Century Plant
- Thorncrest Agave
- Thorncrest Century Plant
- Thornless Crown of Thorns
- Thornless Euphorbia
- Thorny Butterbush
- Thread Agave
- Thread Leaf Agave
- Thready Anacampseros
- Thready Talinum
- Three-leaved Stonecrop
- Three-part Crassula
- Thruppence Ravioli Plant
- Thumb Cactus
- Thunder Plant
- Tiger's Jaw
- Tiger Aloe
- Tiger Jaws
- Tiger Tooth Aloe
- Tilt-head Aloe
- Timora Misha
- Tiny Stonecrop
- Tiscalatengo Gorge Sedum
- Titty Cactus
- Toad Cactus
- Toad Plant
- Tom Thumb
- Tom Thumb Cactus
- Tonga Tree Aloe
- Tongue-leaf
- Tongue-leaf Plant
- Tongue-leaved Mesemb
- Tongue Leaf Plant
- Tongue Plant
- Tooth-leaf Rock Vygie
- Toothless Torch Aloe
- Torch Aloe
- Torch Cactus
- Torch Plant
- Tortoise Back Plant
- Totem Cactus
- Totem Pole
- Totem Pole Cactus
- Toumey's Agave
- Toumey's Century Plant
- Toy Cypress
- Trailer Park Mescal
- Trailing Ice Plant
- Trailing Jade
- Trailing Kalanchoe
- Trailing Stonecrop
- Trans Pecos Yucca
- Transvaal Aloe
- Transvaal Candelabra Tree
- Transvaal Fairy Elephant's Feet
- Traveler's Friend
- Tree Aeonium
- Tree Aloe
- Tree Anemone
- Tree Cholla
- Tree Crassula
- Tree Euphorbia
- Tree Grape
- Tree Lily
- Tree of Life
- Tree of Love
- Tree Pear
- Tree Sedum
- Tree Stonecrop
- Tree Tumbo
- Tree Yucca
- Trelease's Beavertail Cactus
- Trelease's Beavertail Pricklypear
- Trialing Orange Ice Plant
- Triangle Cactus
- Triangular Spurge
- Trichocereus Hybrid
- Tricolor Jade
- Tricolor Stonecrop
- Tropical Smoke Bush
- True Aloe
- True Christmas Cactus
- Trumpeter
- Trumpet Jade
- Truncate Living Stone
- Tuber Milkball
- Tuberous Prickly Pear
- Tufted Ice Plant
- Tugela Cliff-Kalanchoe
- Tumboa
- Tuna Cactus
- Turk's-head Barrel Cactus
- Turk's Cap Cactus
- Turk's Head
- Turk's Head Barrel
- Turk's Head Barrel Cactus
- Turk's Head Cactus
- Turkey Cactus
- Turkey Pear
- Turnip Cactus
- Turtle Back
- Turtle Shell
- Turtle Shell Hoya
- Turtle Vine
- Twin-flowered Tridentea
- Twin-spined Cactus
- Twin Flowered Agave
- Twin Matfig
- Twisted Cereus
- Twisted Rib Cactus
- Twisted Sister Snake Plant
- Two-head Sea Rocket
- Two-lobed Cone Plant
- Two-row Sedum
- Two-Row Stonecrop
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- Valentine Hoya
- Valleybush Euphorbia
- Valleybush Naboom
- Valley Naboom
- Van Rooyen's Aloe
- Varied Hedgehog
- Varied Hedgehog Cactus
- Variegated Agave
- Variegated Butterfly Agave
- Variegated Caribbean Agave
- Variegated Cathedral Window Haworthia
- Variegated Century Plant
- Variegated Chain of Hearts
- Variegated Devil's Backbone
- Variegated Dollar Plant
- Variegated Dwarf Butterfly Agave
- Variegated Elephant's Trunk
- Variegated Elephant Bush
- Variegated Elephant Food
- Variegated Elephant Shrub
- Variegated Fairy Castle Cactus
- Variegated Flapjack
- Variegated Fox Tail Agave
- Variegated Gooseneck Succulent
- Variegated Hens and Chicks
- Variegated Hindu Rope
- Variegated Hohokam Agave
- Variegated Indian Rope
- Variegated Jade Plant
- Variegated Jade Tree
- Variegated Japanese Stonecrop
- Variegated Lion's Tail
- Variegated Money Tree
- Variegated October Daphne
- Variegated Octopus Agave
- Variegated Paddle Plant
- Variegated Rosary Vine
- Variegated Sedum
- Variegated Snake Plant
- Variegated Soft-leaved Agave
- Variegated Spineless Century Plant
- Variegated Spurge
- Variegated Stonecrop
- Variegated Swan's Neck
- Variegated Thread-leaf Agave
- Variegated Tom Thumb
- Variegated Trailing Jade
- Variegated Trailing Jade Plant
- Vegetable Leather
- Veined Haworthia
- Veldt Grape
- Velvet Cactus
- Velvet Cotyledon
- Velvet Elephant Ear
- Velvet Leaf
- Velvet Leaf Kalanchoe
- Velvet Opuntia
- Velvet Pig's Ears
- Velvet Tree Pear
- Velvet Wandering Jew
- Velvety Stonecrop
- Velvety Tree Pear
- Verdigris Spiny Milkweed
- Verdolaga
- Vereker's Dwala Aloe
- Vertical Leaf
- Vertical Leaf Senecio
- Vicks Plant
- Vine Cactus
- Vining Jade
- Vining Senecio
- Violet Pricklypear
- Viscid Houseleek
- Viviparous Foxtail Cactus
- Viznaga Barrel Cactus
- Volcanic Violet
- Voodoo Stonecrop
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- Wachuma
- Walking Kalanchoe
- Walking Stick Cholla
- Wall Grass
- Wallich Tylecodon
- Wall Pepper
- Wandering Dude
- Wandering Jew
- Wand of Heaven
- Warm Hand Cactus
- Warrigal Cabbage
- Warrigal Greens
- Watch Chain
- Watch Chain Plant
- Watch Chain Sedum
- Waterlily Haemanthus
- Wave Cactus
- Wax Agave
- Wax Cactus
- Wax Echeveria
- Wax Hearts
- Wax Ivy
- Wax Plant
- Wax Rose
- Wax Rosette
- Wax Vine
- Waxvine
- Weak-stemmed Stonecrop
- Weakstem Stonecrop
- Weber's Blue Agave
- Weedy Sandfig
- Weeping Jade
- Weeping Yucca
- West African Aloe
- West Indian Aloe
- West Indian Dagger
- West Indian Nipple Cactus
- West Indian Spurge
- Whale's Tongue Agave
- Whale's Tongue Century Plant
- Whale Fin
- Wheel Cactus
- Wheel Pear
- Whipple's Cactus
- Whipple's Cholla
- Whipple Cactus
- Whipple Cholla
- Whiskerbush
- Whiskerbush Pincushion Cactus
- Whiskey Cactus
- White-centered Thunder Queen
- White-eyed Ice Plant
- White-fleshed Pitahaya
- White-flowered Snake Lily
- White-flower Live Forever
- White-haired Crown
- White-striped Century Plant
- White-thorn Aloe
- White Blood Lily
- White Cactus
- White Chenille Plant
- White Cloud
- White Cloud Echeveria
- White Cloud Plant
- White Dyckia
- White Ghost
- White Ghost Cactus
- White Gossamer
- White Gossamer Plant
- White Hair Agave
- White Henequen
- White Lady
- White Living Stones
- Whitemargined Spurge
- White Mexican Rose
- White Mule
- Whitening Echeveria
- White Paint Brush
- White Persian Cat Cactus
- White Rhubarb
- White Rose Echeveria
- White Shadow
- White Sprite
- White Stonecrop
- White Torch Cactus
- White Trailing Iceplant
- White Velvet
- White Vygie
- Whitey
- Whitsun Cactus
- Whorled Plectranthus
- Whorled Stonecrop
- Whortleberry Cactus
- Wicked Agave
- Wickens' Aloe
- Wide-leafed Dyckia
- Widow's Cross
- Widowscross
- Wildfire Stonecrop
- Wild Ghaap
- Wild Grape
- Wild Live Forever
- Wild Portulaca
- Wild Stonecrop
- Windhoek Aloe
- Window's Tears
- Window Boats
- Windowed Boats
- Windowed Flowers
- Window Haworthia
- Window Plant
- Window Plants
- Window Succulent
- Wine-glass Vine
- Winged Treebine
- Wingpod Purslane
- Winter Bells
- Witch's Moneybags
- Wolf Mouth Mesemb
- Wood's Cotyledon
- Wood Hyacinth
- Woodland Stonecrop
- Woodlouse Cactus
- Woolly Cobweb Houseleek
- Woolly Crassula
- Woollyjoint Prickly Pear
- Woolly Nipple Cactus
- Woolly Rose
- Woolly Senecio
- Wooly Torch
- Worcester-Robertson Vygie
- Wormleaf Stonecrop
- Worm Plant
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- Yant
- Yellow-flowered Ghaap
- Yellow-Flowered Pitaya
- Yellow-leaf Bush Euphorbia
- Yellow-striped Century Plant
- Yellow Anglefig
- Yellow Bell Pachypodium
- Yellow Carrion Flower
- Yellow Cone Plant
- Yellow Crassula
- Yellow Crown of Thorns
- Yellow Echeveria
- Yellow Flapjacks
- Yellow Ice Plant
- Yellow Jatropha
- Yellow Kalanchoe
- Yellow Living Stones
- Yellow Margin Century Plant
- Yellow Milkbush
- Yellow Moss
- Yellow Orbea
- Yellow Peanut
- Yellow Peanut Cactus
- Yellow Pincushion Cactus
- Yellow Pitaya
- Yellow Soap Aloe
- Yellow Sun Rose
- Yellow Tower
- Yellow Tower Cactus
- Yellow Turk's Head
- Yelow-flower Huernia
- Yoke Cactus
- Yucatan Sisal
- Yucca Palm
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